Sunday, March 23, 2025, 03.00 PM
Afternoon for children with Silvan Zweifel
Pre-registration by 21 March at
Sunday, March 23, 2025, 03.00 PM
Pre-registration by 21 March at
Sunday, March 23, 2025, 04.00 PM
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 12.30 PM
Pre-registration by 18 March at
Sunday, March 16, 2025, 03.00 PM
Sunday, March 2, 2025, 04.00 PM
In a dialog guided tour, Rhona Mühlebach will provide insights into her artistic work and its contexts.
Rhona Mühlebach uses narrative forms to explore moments of dissonance between people, language, and the natural world. In Mühlebach’s video and installation work, human characters are tormented by idealism and disillusionment. They try and fail to express their feelings. Reality falls short of expectations. Unmoved by human anxieties, nature generally holds the upper hand. Mühlebach is interested in the limitations of language. This emerges where the failure of words to accurately describe human emotion (regardless or even in spite of fluency) complicates the aspirations and desires of her characters. This “failure of words” is a generative space for the artist, who treats language as a malleable, tactile medium to be shaped and reshaped. Nature emerges as a projection space for ideals, where the characters attempt to "find themselves." Unaffected by human anxieties, nature usually retains the upper hand.
Mühlebach delves into the complex development process of Ditch Me (Multimedia Installation, 2023), the video work presented at Kunsthaus Glarus. She reflects on the depicted network of the gradual evolution of a specific landscape and transposes historical aspects into a newly imagined fictional universe. In this universe, a multitude of characters and stories are interwoven — from Roman and medieval soldiers to lovers, and even eccentric figures like lice and a violinist.
Sunday, February 16, 2025, 04.00 PM
In a dialogue guided tour and presentation, Reinhard Markus Ebner will offer insights into his artistic work and its development.
Great fidelity to nature and a love for detail dominate his early etchings. These works feature fantastical scenarios set in dreamlike architectures and landscapes, sometimes subtly critical of society, but always with a tendency toward alienation. After the turn of the millennium, Ebner shifted to canvas painting and abandoned the world of objects. No more stories, no titles, no pathos.
This shift marked a Copernican turn in his creative journey. Liberating himself from rigid representational meaning and reducing his expressive means to purely geometric elements opened up vast space for personal interpretation. Through imagination, viewers bring themselves into the artwork, participating in the creative process and forming "their" unique interpretation of the piece.
During the presentation, Ebner will discuss his approach to interpreting abstract works directly in front of his pieces.
Sunday, February 9, 2025, 04.00 PM
In a dialog guided tour and presentation, Reinhard Tobler will provide insights into his artistic work and its contexts.
Reinhard Tobler's artistic practice often revolves around himself, reflecting on his upbringing in a multicultural family, growing up between Trogen and beyond this village, or navigating life between Switzerland and Korea. He seeks to distill experiences and stories, translating them into the present. Even in his media-based works, Tobler explores the concept of "in-between." He navigates between the analog and digital realms, as well as across various media. These moments of transition often become integral to, or the very subject of, his works.
The presentation begins with a discussion of Tobler’s work on display at the Kunsthaus. Following this, there will be an opportunity to watch the artist’s videos together with the artist, offering additional insights into his multifaceted artistic practice.
Sunday, February 2, 2025, 04.00 PM
In a dialog guided tour and presentation, Tomas Baumgartner will provide insights into his artistic work and its contexts.
The driving force behind Baumgartner's artistic practice can be traced to a desire to understand how the mechanisms of memory and imagination are connected to the world of physical objects and spaces. How are we shaped by what we have seen and perceived? To what extent do these experiences control us, and how freely can we move beyond them?
Starting with his works presented in the current exhibition, Tomas Baumgartner will give participants an insight into the creation process of his works, discuss the material qualities of the pieces, and talk about potential references within art. Additionally, during the portfolio presentation, previous works will be discussed, including a body of work created in 2024 that played a crucial role in the development of the exhibited pieces.
Sunday, January 26, 2025, 03.00 PM
Wednesday, December 18, 2024, 12.30 PM
After a joint tour of the exhibition, we can continue discussing what we've seen over a meal at the Kunsthaus.
Cost: CHF 20 / CHF 15 (reduced) / CHF 10 (for members of the Glarner Kunstverein)
Pre-registration by 17 December 2024 at
Sunday, December 15, 2024, 03.00 PM
In the afternoon for children, you will step into the role of a performance artist under the guidance of artist Gregory Tara Hari. Performance art means coming up with a story and telling it to an audience using various tools of your choice. You will create a character, design a costume, make props, and find a suitable stage for your performance.
Gregory Tara Hari works with both visual and performative arts. Themes such as colonial and queer studies, architecture and urban planning, as well as different forms of storytelling, are central to his artistic exploration.
For ages 6 and up, max. 10 children.
Pre-registration by 13 December 2024 at
The event is fully booked.
Saturday, December 14, 2024, 06.00 PM
18:00 Opening, Speakers: Kaspar Marti (President of the Glarner Kunstverein), Fritz Rigendinger (Head of the Cultural Department in the Canton of Glarus), Melanie Ohnemus (Director of Kunsthaus Glarus)
18:30 Children's tour during the speeches
21:00 Concert by Tapiwa Svosve
Sunday, November 10, 2024, 04.00 PM
This view of the collection examines the works in our current exhibition Collection: Paul Fröhlich, as well as other works from the estate.
Katrin Luchsinger, Dr. phil.I, art historian. Until 2019 Professor of Modern and Early Modern Art History at the Zurich University of the Arts, self-employed since 2019, research focus on art and psychology/psychiatry around 1900, cultural analysis, material cultures, inclusion.
Sunday, October 27, 2024, 03.00 PM
After a discovery tour through the exhibitions, we have the opportunity to experiment with what we have seen in the studio. We go outside and collect materials, use scraps of fabric and string and other materials and weave them into souvenirs. The resulting works can be taken home.
From 12 years, for max. 10 people.
Prior registration until October 25th:
Sunday, October 20, 2024, 04.00 PM
On the occasion of our current exhibition Collection: Paul Fröhlich, this insight into the collection deals with motifs of the uncanny and the unconscious.
Barbara Zoé Kiolbassa M.A. is a researcher, art mediator, and curator with a passion for community based practices between art, media, and ecology. As part of her research project "Mediating Media Arts," she explores art education practices related to media arts in Korea, Japan, and Indonesia in collaboration with Fanny Kranz. She has worked as a Curator of Education at the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany, as well as Digital Coordinator at documenta fifteen. Barbara works currently as Assistant Curator at the Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen.
Thursday, October 17, 2024, 06.00 PM
Sunday, October 6, 2024, 03.00 PM
In this afternoon for children, Martina Bee (kindergarten/primary and design teacher) will playfully get to the bottom of the “Nine Chapters of the Mathematical Art”, one of the oldest Chinese math books. Together, we measure the space with our bodies and construct the world around us using also other tools. In doing so, we relate the space to ourselves and stage ourselves creatively and inventively. The participants will measure, estimate, make assumptions and make connections to our everyday lives, which are full of the wonderful mathematics that the current exhibition by the two artists Jay Chung & Q Takeki refers to. Mathematics is a tool for exploring and understanding the world around us.
From 6 years, duration approx. 3h.
Prior registration until October 4th:
Sunday, September 29, 2024, 04.00 PM
Thursday, September 5, 2024, 06.00 PM
Sunday, September 1, 2024, 03.00 PM
For the afternoon for children, artist Maya Hottarek will present her view of a vibrant, interconnected world. We will explore the world of insects and create shelters using clay and found materials. In doing so, we will question our perception of the invisible world of insects.
From 6 years, duration approx. 2h 30min max. 12 children.
Prior registration until August 30th:
Sunday, August 25, 2024, 04.00 PM
Under the working title “Fug and mold of Swiss Modernism”, Arthur Fink has selected works from our collection by artists who stand somewhere between the bourgeois-pietistic mental spaces of the 19th century and the escapist-utopian phantasms of modernism. The focus is on works by Ernst Carl Gerlach Stückelberg, Fritz Pauli, Helen Dahm and Ernst Morgenthaler, for example. Thematically, this insight into the collection develops links to our current collection exhibition with works from the Paul Fröhlich estate.
Arthur Fink is a Swiss art historian and currently works as a curator at the Museum Brandhorst in Munich.
Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 12.30 PM
Cost: CHF 20 / CHF 15 (reduced) / CHF 10 (for members of the Glarner Kunstverein).
Registration until 16.7.2024:
Sunday, July 14, 2024, 16.00
The Ruin of Exchange presents a selection of John Miller’s artwork ranging from 1994 to the present. The conversation between John Miller and Lionel Bovier will take place in the exhibition.
Lionel Bovier is the director of the Musée d'art moderne et contemporain (MAMCO) in Geneva. He also became known as co-founder of the JRP Ringier publishing house. He teaches at the Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne (ECAL, cantonal art school in Lausanne). The MAMCO collection hosts several works by Miller.
Saturday, July 13, 2024, 06.00 PM
6.30 pm children's tour during the speech
8.30 pm concert by Dirty Mirrors (John Miller & Aura Rosenberg)
Sunday, June 30, 2024, 03.00 PM
All along the line. We embark on a drawing-trip to the Vorderglärnisch. Equipped with movement, image, momentum, repetition, humor and observation. Up the Dreieggli, the large triangle before our eyes. Heinrich Lüber is a performer, researcher in the field of art and head of the art education specialization in the Master of Art Education at the Zurich University of the Arts.
Drawing materials will be provided by Heinrich Lüber. Bring your own: Good shoes. From 12 years, for max. 10 people.
Pre-registration until 28.06.
Sunday, June 16, 2024, 04.00 PM
In the exhibition Wolkenstudie, new works by the artist can be explored. The conversation between Megan Francis Sullivan and Melanie Ohnemus will take place in the exhibition.
Sunday, June 16, 2024, 03.00 PM
Immerse yourself with us in the world of sky dancers, rain weavers, star wanderers and storm wizards. At the Kunsthaus Glarus you can discover the variety of shapes and colors of clouds. Olivia Büchel is our guest and will show you the art of marbling. From 6 years, duration approx. 2h 30min max. 16 children.
Prior registration until June 13th:
Thursday, June 6, 2024, 18:00
Sunday, May 26, 2024, 03.00 PM
Ages 12 and up, for max. 10 people. Prior registration until May 23rd:
What to bring: Good shoes, sturdy clothing, optionally a backpack with food
Duration: 4h
We start at the Kunsthaus and set off on foot on a drawing exploration tour towards Chalchi Netstal. The different locations invite different strategies of seeing and drawing: overview, details, simplifications, linear and flat vision. Our view of landscape should also be the topic. We will not look for traditional idylls, but will try to deal with contemporary ideas. We will be walking for over an hour and the path is partly narrow and steep. Your own drawing material (e.g. A3 or A2 drawing pad, various pens) is very welcome - additional material and folding chairs are provided.
Michael Honegger is a teacher of visual design at Kanti Glarus. He appreciates drawing outside in order to arrive at a place and in the moment and to become curious about what there is to see. He will explore this immersion in an environment with you during the workshop.
Saturday, May 11, 2024, 12.00 PM
Staged Worlds presents Stimmung Live!, a new composition for live electronics and six voices. The core sonic material of the work consists of sounds generated with a unique Serge Modular system, amplified by loudspeakers installed in various rooms as well as the outside spaces of the Kunsthaus Glarus. These sonic environments will be captured via microphone and fed back into the exhibition. In Stimmung Live! an interconnecting network of signals creates a sonic architecture that moves through and beyond thresholds. Moreover, what takes place inside both affects and responds to what is happening outside, culminating in a merging of sounds re-emitted and further amplified by the chorus.
Open rehearsals for Stimmung Live! will take place all afternoon on Friday, May 10 and Saturday, May 11. The concert will take place on Saturday, May 11 at 8pm.
Staged Worlds is still searching for one person to complete the Stimmung chorus. If you feel like that could be you, please contact or 055 640 25 35.
Saturday, May 11, 2024, 08.00 PM
Staged Worlds presents: Stimmung Live!, a presentation with synthesizer and vocals, 8 pm
Friday, May 10, 2024, 12.00 PM
Staged Worlds presents Stimmung Live!, a new composition for live electronics and six voices. The core sonic material of the work consists of sounds generated with a unique Serge Modular system, amplified by loudspeakers installed in various rooms as well as the outside spaces of the Kunsthaus Glarus. These sonic environments will be captured via microphone and fed back into the exhibition. In Stimmung Live! an interconnecting network of signals creates a sonic architecture that moves through and beyond thresholds. Moreover, what takes place inside both affects and responds to what is happening outside, culminating in a merging of sounds re-emitted and further amplified by the chorus.
Open rehearsals for Stimmung Live! will take place all afternoon on Friday, May 10 and Saturday, May 11. The concert will take place on Saturday, May 11 at 8pm.
Staged Worlds is still searching for one person to complete the Stimmung chorus. If you feel like that could be you, please contact or 055 640 25 35.
Thursday, May 2, 2024, 06.00 PM
Sunday, April 28, 2024, 04.00 PM
Sylvain Menétrey is curator at the Abbatiale Bellelay, an art space located in a former church in the Bern Jura, where he organised Emanuel Rossetti's exhibition Beatitude in 2022. He will examine selected works of the collection, guided by his understanding of Rossetti's work contexts in relation to landscape, urbanism, social utopia and simulation.
Sunday, April 21, 2024, 03.00 PM
On Sunday, April 21, you can design, cut, glue and print your own patterns at the Kunsthaus Glarus. Colorful pictures are created over, next to and with each other. The screen printing workshop SIEBUNDBROT will be our guest and show you the art of screen printing. Dive into the world of colors and shapes with us.
From 6 years, duration approx. 2h 30min
Thursday, March 28, 2024, 06.00 PM
Jean-Claude Freymond-Guth was among others Megan Francis Sullivan's galerist from 2006 to 2012 (Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich, Basel, New York). Today he is a freelance curator and co-initiator of various formats for contemporary art, such as the Basel Social Club and the art magazines PROVENCE and SPIKE. He runs a farm in Alsace, France, and the exhibition venue and shop SAALHOF 1123 in Basel. He will talk about the shifting of context, image and ritual as an artistic strategy in the work of Megan Francis Sullivan along the motif of "horses" in various works from the collection.
Sunday, March 10, 2024, 04.00 PM
In the exhibition Stimmung, new works by the artist can be explored. The conversation between Emanuel Rossetti and Melanie Ohnemus will take place in the exhibition.
Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 12.30 PM
Prior registration until March 5th:
Cost: CHF 20 / CHF 15 (reduced) / CHF 10 (for members of the Glarner Kunstverein).
Saturday, March 2, 2024, 06.00 PM
Sunday, February 4, 2024, 04.00 PM
A guided tour with discussions between participating artists, the team and members of the board of Kunsthaus Glarus.
Sunday, February 4, 2024, 05.30 PM
During the exhibition, visitors will have the opportunity to vote for one of the participating artists at the Kunsthaus Glarus. The presentation of the prize money will be accompanied by an appreciation and a subsequent aperitif. The audience award is sponsored by glarnerSach.
Saturday, January 27, 2024, 09.00 PM
Subtle, direct, but also strange. Leoni Leoni's music creates strong fascinations and a unique, captivating power. The singer and songwriter tells stories about life and love in their banality and magnificence, while synthesizers hiss and the drum machine moves forward, sometimes throbbing.
Thursday, January 18, 2024, 06.00 PM
A guided tour with discussions between participating artists, the team and members of the board of Kunsthaus Glarus.
Sunday, January 14, 2024, 03.00 PM
Before the Frächdächs concert, which will take place afterwards, we will design T-shirts that you can wear at the concert or give away. For children from 5-14 years. Registration until 1.01.2024:
Sunday, January 14, 2024, 04.30 PM
The Frächdächs love and practice improvised music and therefore also constantly reinvent their children's concert stories. Thus, the wishes of the small and large audience are taken into account and every concert of the Frächdächs takes a unique and adventurous course.
Saturday, December 16, 2023, 08.30 PM
Julian Sartorius bridges the gap between organic sounds and the expressive possibilities of experimental electronic music. Drummer, percussionist and artist Julian Sartorius opens up cagey sounds from found objects and prepared instruments and combines them with multi-layered rhythmic patterns.
20:30 Concert
21:45 Soundwalk to the Tunnel
22:00 Club Night at the Tunnel
Saturday, December 16, 2023, 07.30 PM
Playing with Fire is a performance around fire, deliberately set, thrown, the embers in the roof, internal fires, fireworks, rings of fire, matches, burning sofas and bedsteads, smoking, high fires and an enslaved fire department.
Thursday, December 14, 2023, 06.00 PM
A guided tour with discussions between participating artists, the team and members of the board of Kunsthaus Glarus.
Wednesday, December 6, 2023, 12.30 PM
Cost: CHF 20 / CHF 15 (reduced) / CHF 10 (for members of the Glarner Kunstverein).
Registration until 5.12.2023:
Sunday, December 3, 2023, 04.00 PM
A guided tour with discussions between participating artists, the team and members of the board of Kunsthaus Glarus.
Saturday, December 2, 2023, 06.00 PM
Saturday, December 2, 2023, 09.00 PM
In the concert, different art forms such as music, dance, performance art and visual art take place side by side. Poetry, field recordings, her body, as well as vocal elements with extended vocal techniques and sound electronics are mixed into an exciting sound experience.
Sunday, November 12, 2023, 04.00 PM
We present in the exhibition Heat by Flora Klein paintings from 2013-2023. The conversation between Flora Klein and Melanie Ohnemus will take place in the exhibition.
Sunday, November 5, 2023, 03.00 PM
With percussion instruments you can translate what you see into sounds. For children from 5 – 14 years. Registration by November 2, 2023:
Thursday, November 2, 2023, 06.00 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2023, 06.00 PM
Chus Martinez is Head of the Institute Art Gender Nature and Programme Head of Bachelor of Fine Art at the FHNW in Basel. Martinez will present her definition of art through a selection of works from the collection.
Thursday, October 12, 2023, 06.00 PM
Sunday, October 8, 2023, 03.00 PM
We will use colorful stage lights to create colour mixes and patterns. For children from 5 – 14 years. Registration by October 5, 2023:
Sunday, September 24, 2023, 04.00 PM
The art dealer is a connoisseur of the works in the Collection Marc Egger. He will give insights into the practice of selected artists from the aforementioned collection.
On the occasion of the exhibition Marc Egger Collection, July 9 - November 19, 2023
Sunday, September 17, 2023, 03.00 PM
Two invited children will share their knowledge of painting techniques with you. For children from 5 – 14 years. Registration by September 14, 2023:
Thursday, September 14, 2023, 06.00 PM
Sunday, September 3, 2023, 04.00 PM
Sunday, August 27, 2023, 04.00 PM
Thursday, July 13, 2023, 12.30 PM
With Anne Gruber and Matteo Kramer.
Price: CHF 20 / CHF 15 (reduced) / CHF 10 (for members of the Glarus Art Association)
Registration by July 12, 2023:
Saturday, July 8, 2023, 06.00 PM
Thursday, June 22, 2023, 06.00 PM
Sunday, June 11, 2023, 04.00 PM
In the exhibition spaces of Sophie Gogl's Die knusprige Nichte (The scrumptious Niece), Sophie Gogl, Sophia Eisenhut and Steven Warwick will present their current literary works in three performative performances. Bar from 5:30 p.m.
Saturday, June 3, 2023, 11.00 AM
The Kunsthaus Glarus and artists from Glarus invite you to visit their studios.
All artists will be present from 11am – 4pm, those on the Tschächli factory site in Rüti from 11am – 11pm.
The Kunsthaus Glarus team will be at the studios at the times indicated in the programme and will hold short public talks with the artists about their work.
You can find the detailed programme and the addresses of the studios here.
Thursday, June 1, 2023, 06.00 PM
Mathias Jenny presents further works by Jakob Wäch from the collection to complement the current exhibition.
Thursday, May 25, 2023, 06.00 PM
Sunday, May 21, 2023, 03.00 PM
Together with Silvie Demont we will sew accessories and costumes to engage with the stages of the two current exhibitions.
For children from 5-12 years.
Pre-registration until 17.05.2023 to
Sunday, May 14, 2023, 04.00 PM
In 2020, Prof em. Daniel Aebli dealt extensively with the work of the painter Jakob Wäch, who died young. The art historian has carried out scientific research on Wäch's self-portraits in particular. The conversation between Prof em. Daniel Aebli and Melanie Ohnemus will take place in the exhibition.
Sunday, May 7, 2023, 04.00 PM
Sasha Rossman presents works from the collection in which tables function as stages within the picture.
On the occasion of the exhibition Hélène Fauquet. Phenomena, July 9–November 19, 2023.
Thursday, May 4, 2023, 06.00 PM
The Glarus Art Association is pleased to welcome its members to the 153rd General Meeting.
6 pm: Presentation of the new publication Greta Leuzinger. Melanie Ohnemus will give an insight into the making of the book and artists' books in general. This will be followed by a discussion with Ruth Kobelt Jenny and Melanie Ohnemus on Greta Leuzinger and the profession to be an artist. 6:45 pm: General meeting of the Glarus Art Association. Followed by: Apéro riche.
It is possible to purchase the publication for CHF 20 (reduced price for members) or an original print by Greta Leuzinger. For further information, please contact
Sunday, April 23, 2023, 04.00 PM
Sophie Gogl has developed new works for her exhibition Die knusprige Nichte and presents them in a site specific setting. The conversation between Sophie Gogl and Melanie Ohnemus will take place in the exhibition.
Thursday, April 20, 2023, 06.00 PM
Sunday, April 2, 2023, 03.00 PM
Registration by March 30, 2023 to
Sunday, April 2, 2023, 06.00 PM
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 06.00 PM
Thursday, March 2, 2023, 12.30 PM
Entrance and lunch CHF 20
Reduced: CHF 15
Members: CHF 10
Sunday, February 26, 2023, 04.00 PM
We present in the exhibition Swan Lake by Karen Kilminik installations, paintings, collages and photography from 1992-2022. The conversation between Anja Trudel (Sprüth Magers, Berlin) and Melanie Ohnemus will take place in the exhibition.
Saturday, February 25, 2023, 06.00 PM
Sunday, January 29, 2023, 04.00 PM
Four discussion-based guided tours co-led by artists, the team, and Kunsthaus Glarus board members will take place during the exhibition Kunstschaffen Glarus 2022 (A-L). We will talk with the artists about their exhibited works, their artistic practice, their inspirations and references.
Sunday, January 29, 2023, 05.30 PM
Throughout the exhibition period, visitors will have the chance to vote for one of the participating artists showing work at Kunsthaus Glarus. The prize money will be awarded during a presentation to honor the winner, followed by an aperitif. The audience award is sponsored by glarnerSach.
Thursday, January 26, 2023, 06.00 PM
Four discussion-based guided tours co-led by artists, the team, and Kunsthaus Glarus board members will take place during the exhibition Kunstschaffen Glarus 2022 (A-L). We will talk with the artists about their exhibited works, their artistic practice, their inspirations and references.
Thursday, January 19, 2023, 06.00 PM
The Kunstverein Glarus collection features several key works by landscape painters including Johann Gottfried Steffan and other Swiss painters. Drawing on a selection of works from the collection, Anna Walti will elucidate how the painters responded artistically to the demand for their works at the time and how the demand for Swiss landscape paintings has gone global today.
Sunday, January 15, 2023, 03.00 PM
In the Schaudepot, we will take a closer look at the work of Glarner artist Lil Tschudi. As part of this, we will also search for documents that tell us more about her as a person. We will then select examples of her works and update them artistically for 2023.
Register in advance by January 12:
Thursday, January 12, 2023, 06.00 PM
Four discussion-based guided tours co-led by artists, the team, and Kunsthaus Glarus board members will take place during the exhibition Kunstschaffen Glarus 2022 (A-L). We will talk with the artists about their exhibited works, their artistic practice, their inspirations and references.
Thursday, December 15, 2022, 12.30 PM
Guided public tour of the exhibition Kunstschaffen Glarus 2022 (A-L) and Sammlung: Greta Leuzinger, followed by lunch.
Registration by December 13 at
Entrance and lunch CHF 20
Reduced: CHF 15
Members: CHF 10
Sunday, December 11, 2022, 04.00 PM
Four discussion-based guided tours co-led by artists, the team, and Kunsthaus Glarus board members will take place during the exhibition Kunstschaffen Glarus 2022 (A-L). We will talk with the artists about their exhibited works, their artistic practice, their inspirations and references.
Saturday, December 10, 2022, 06.00 PM
Sunday, November 27, 2022, 04.00 PM
Laura Langer has developed new works for her exhibition Headlines: a series of paintings and a site-specific installation. The conversation between Laura Langer and Melanie Ohnemus will take place in the exhibition space.
Sunday, November 13, 2022, 03.00 PM
In conjunction with the Glarner Music School, we are extending invitations to children between 5 and 14 years of age to improvise with musical instruments to works of art from the current exhibitions. Register in advance by November 10:
Sunday, October 30, 2022, 04.00 PM
Peter Jenny was a colleague of Greta Leuzinger and followed the artistic development of her work over the years. In the exhibition Collection: Greta Leuzinger, he and Melanie Ohnemus will join together to talk about Leuzinger’s life’s work.
Thursday, October 20, 2022, 06.00 PM
Thursday, October 6, 2022, 06.00 PM
Thursday, September 29, 2022, 06.00 PM
Michael Honegger teaches art at the Kantonsschule Glarus. He is well acquainted with the works in the collections of the Glarner Kunstverein and will share with us methods of looking at paintings.
On the occasion of the exhibition Silvia Kolbowski. Who will save us?, September 4–November 27, 2022
Sunday, September 25, 2022, 03.00 PM
We will explore the museum spaces of Kunsthaus Glarus with artist Valentina Triet using camera and sound techniques. The impetus for this are the films of Silvia Kolbowski in the current exhibition. For youth between 13 and 18 years of age. Register in advance by September 22:
Wednesday, September 21, 2022, 12.30 PM
Registration by September 19 at
Wednesday, September 14, 2022, 06.00 PM
Flurin Bisig presents in conversation with Stephan Kunz, director of Kunstmuseum Chur and Lynn Kost, curator at Kunstmuseum Winterthur his new publication. Flurin Bisig. Gestaltloses Verlangen has been released in 2022 at Snoek Verlag.
Sunday, September 4, 2022, 04.00 PM
This public talk is held on the occasion of the exhibition Who will save us? by Silvia Kolbowski at Kunsthaus Glarus. The panel will discuss Silvia Kolbowski's new film Who will save us? (2022) and Missing Asher (2019). The talk will be held in English and will be live-streamed.
Click here for the recording of the talk.
Luiza Nader is an art historian, professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.
Saturday, September 3, 2022, 06.00 PM
Sunday, August 14, 2022, 03.00 PM
Taking Nicole Wermers’s currently exhibited works as a point of departure, we will look at different forms of pedestals in the collection and explore the differences. For children aged 5–12.
Please register by August 12 at
Thursday, August 11, 2022, 06.00 PM
Please join us for Sveta Mordovskaya’s presentation of sculptures from the collections and discussion on body images from different historical contexts.
On the occasion of Daphne Ahlers. Die Würflerin and Nicole Wermers. Reclining Fanmail, May 29–August 21, 2022.
Thursday, July 7, 2022, 06.00 PM
Sunday, July 3, 2022, 03.00 PM
In Silvie Demont’s sewing workshop, we will create garments that deform individual parts of the body. For children aged 5–12.
Please register by July 1 at
Friday, July 1, 2022, 07.30 PM
Die Venus von Raffael Benazzi kam 1987 nach Glarus ins legendäre Bahnhofbuffet. Am Samstag, 27. Januar 2018, wurde diese Skulptur durch einen Schwellbrand zerstört. In Erinnerung an die Venus kommen drei (kleinere) Skulpturen sowie fünf (noch kleinere) Bronzefiguren von Benazzi nach Glarus. An der Übergabe/ Übernahme vom 1. Juli 2022 ist Raffael Benazzi anwesend.
Zur Entstehung der Venus und über ihren Weg nach Glarus drehte Roland Huber (gest. 2021) den einstündigen Film Lieber Raffi (1987). Dieser Film wird an dieser Veranstaltung ebenfalls gezeigt. Wir laden Sie herzlich ins KKG im Kunsthaus Glarus ein, um uns an die Zeit der
Venus zu erinnern und uns über den Fortgang zu freuen.
Thursday, June 30, 2022, 06.00 PM
Axelle Stiefel presents works from the collections around themes of care work and invisible work structures. Please join us for a discussion that reconsiders the selected works in a new light.
Sunday, June 26, 2022, 04.00 PM
Daphne Ahlers has developed new works for her exhibition Die Würflerin and presents them in a site specific setting. The conversation between Daphne Ahlers and Melanie Ohnemus will take place in the exhibition space.
Saturday, June 25, 2022, 14.00
An afternoon of live concerts by Ana Jikia, Iku, and Lonely Boys. From 2 - 6 pm. The performances will take place in an installation-based setting designed by Lonely Boys.
Iku (Johanna Ordersky, Lausanne/Berlin) works within the genre of spherical music and also has an artistic practice in sculpture. In her music, Iku weaves samples into a network of emotionally dense, melancholic sounds. Her early releases were produced as ambient tracks, but now she often features her own, Autotune-enhanced voice.
Ana Jikia (Basel/Tbilisi) also works with samples. She breaks up harmonious, classical sounds using unpredictable, dark snippets of sound that morph into club music whose techno beats Jikia then underlays with spherical sounds. Ana Jikia is a producer and DJ, but also has a visual-arts practice.
Lonely Boys (Berlin/Vienna) are Daphne Ahlers and Rosa Rendl. The artpop-duo is known for their manipulations of voice and multiplication of identities. Through the sincerity of pop sentiment they create an unmistakably honest expression of love and feeling. Their over-emotional pop-songs are built around a raw instrumental base and laconic lyrics that emphasize on sexual dynamics and fission. This year they will come out with a double LP including new tracks of the duo as well as unreleased solo material.
This events is kindly sponsored by Initiative Musik gGmbH, Migros Kulturprozent, Daniel Jenny & Co.
Sunday, June 19, 2022, 04.00 PM
Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 12.30
registration by June 31 at
Sunday, May 29, 2022, 04.00 PM
Nicole Wermers has developed new sculptural works for her exhibition Reclining Fanmail. The conversation between Nicole Wermers and Melanie Ohnemus will take place in the exhibition space.
Saturday, May 28, 2022, 06.00 PM
Saturday, May 14, 2022, 11.00 AM
Das Kunsthaus Glarus und Glarner Kunstschaffende laden Sie dazu ein, am Samstag, 14. Mai, deren Ateliers zu besuchen. Alle Künstler:innen sind von 11–17:00 anwesend.
Die Standorte der Ateliers finden Sie hier.
Thursday, May 12, 2022, 06.00 PM
Please register at until May 2.
«Members present their publications» is a new series of Kunsthaus Glarus, that presents the newest publications of artists that are members of Glarner Kunstverein.
Sunday, May 8, 2022, 04.00 PM
Saturday, May 7, 2022, 09.00 PM
Thursday, April 28, 2022, 06.00 PM
Sunday, April 24, 2022, 03.00 PM
Please register by April 22 at
Thursday, April 7, 2022, 06.00 PM
Sunday, April 3, 2022, 04.00 PM
Sasha Rossman is a lecturer at the Institute for Art History, University of Bern. The conversation between Sasha Rossman and Melanie Ohnemus will take place in the exhibition space.
Sunday, March 20, 2022, 03.00 PM
Please register by March 18 at
Sunday, March 13, 2022, 04.00 PM
Saturday, March 5, 2022, 04.00 PM
Friday, March 4, 2022, 04.00 PM
Thursday, March 3, 2022, 06.00 PM
Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 12.30 PM
registration by February 22 at
Sunday, February 20, 2022, 04.00 PM
Saturday, February 19, 2022, 06.00 PM
Saturday, February 19, 2022, 09.00 PM
Sunday, February 6, 2022, 03.00 PM
Sunday, February 6, 2022, 03.00 PM
Sunday, January 30, 2022, 02.00 PM
Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 06.00 PM
Thursday, January 6, 2022, 06.00 PM
Sunday, December 19, 2021, 11.00 AM
With Nadia Veronese and Lorenz Wiederkehr, Kunstmuseum St.Gallen; Roland Scotti, Kunsthalle Appenzell; Céline Matter, Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen; Thomas Häusle, Kunstraum Dornbirn; Otto Bonnen, Kunsthaus Glarus
Sunday, December 19, 2021, 03.30 PM
Afternoon with cooking for children from 5 years
We kindly ask for pre-registration until December 16, 2021 to
Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 12.30 PM
We kindly ask for pre-registration until December 14, 2021 to
Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 05.00 PM
Saturday, December 11, 2021, 06.00 PM
Sunday, November 14, 2021, 03.00 PM
Thursday, October 28, 2021, 06.00 PM
Sunday, October 3, 2021, 02.30 PM
For children and teens from 5–14 years old Please register by 29.09 at:
Thursday, September 30, 2021, 06.00 PM
Thursday, September 23, 2021, 06.00 PM
Wednesday, September 8, 2021, 12.30 PM
Participation including lunch costs CHF 20.-
(reduced CHF 15.-/ for members 10.-)
Registration to or +41 55 640 25 35 until Tuesday, September 7, 2021, 4 pm
Sunday, September 5, 2021, 04.00 PM
Saturday, September 4, 2021, 06.00 PM
Sunday, August 15, 2021, 03.00 PM
Thursday, July 8, 2021, 06.00 PM
Thursday, June 24, 2021, 05.00 PM
Sunday, June 20, 2021, 02.30 PM
Für Kinder von 5–11 Jahren.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 12.30 PM
Participation including lunch costs CHF 20.-
(reduced CHF 15.-/ for members 10.-)
Registration to or +41 55 640 25 35 until Tuesday, June 15 2021, 4 pm
Saturday, March 27, 2021, 11.00 AM
The exhibition is open to visitors from 11am–8pm. Admission is free of charge.
The recommended protection guidelines apply: Please keep your distance and wear a mask during the visit.
Sunday, January 17, 2021, 11.00 AM
Reservation is recommended. Please register until January 14, 2021, to:
In order to comply with the current regulations on Covid-19, we ask you to wear a mask and respect social distancing. We will record the contact details for contact tracing.
Sunday, January 17, 2021, 04.30 PM
In order to comply with the current regulations on Covid-19, we ask you to wear a mask and respect social distancing. We will record the contact details for contact tracing.
Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 12.30 PM
The participation including lunch costs CHF 20.
(reduced CHF 15.-/ for members 10.-)
Registration at or +41 55 640 25 35
Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 02.30 PM
Urs Brugger from Glaris verzellt is our next guest at Collection Picks, talking about memorial images.
In order to comply with the current regulations on Covid-19, we ask you to wear a mask and respect social distancing. We will record the contact details for contact tracing
Saturday, January 9, 2021, 10:00/
Performance times: 10.00 a.m. in the Kunsthaus Glarus/ 9.00 p.m. in the tunnel
Reservation is recommended. Please register until 07.01.2021:
In order to comply with the current regulations on Covid-19, we ask you to wear a mask and respect social distancing. We will record the contact details for contact tracing.
Two years ago Claudio Landolt put the idea into his head to record a mountain. From more than 100 hours of sound recordings on the Vorderglärnisch, the Glarus cultural journalist, author & musician composed a sensual-poetic audio journey consisting of airborne and structure-borne sound recordings, voice memos and seismic waves on and in the mountain. The resulting sound piece transcends genre boundaries, combines phonographic nature recordings with currents of drone music and neo-classical music.
Parallel to this, Claudio Landolt has written a volume of poetry. Equally driven by the search for the sound of a mountain, he created playful linguistic miniatures and prosaic poetry. The volume of poetry including a download code for the sound piece will be published in April 2021 by Der gesunde Menschenversand.
Now, the mountain is going on a stage tour in sound and text: in an intimate live show, Landolt invites you to a lyrical short reading and an extraordinary listening journey in the context of an audio piece performance.
Saturday, December 12, 2020, 12.00 PM
1–6pm Every hour on the hour: Public Tours
with Glarner Kunstverein board members as well as Otto Bonnen, Anne Gruber and Judith Welter
(Meeting point is at the reception on the hour
Spots are limited to 10 people per tour (duration approx. 20 min))
2–5pm Klaus Born presents his artist books
Mulled wine and chestnuts in the garden.
In order to comply with the current regulations on Covid-19, we ask you to wear a mask and respect social distancing. We will record the contact details for contact tracing.
Thursday, November 26, 2020, 06.00 PM
In the current exhibition Im Volksgarten, which also describes the address of the Kunsthaus with its title, the understanding of “possession” goes beyond the object and is returned to the space: it is about forms of taking possession of space, but also about fetishization and desire. How is the status of objects and things altered when they enter the museum? How do these things seduce us? What significance does the private and intimate have in this public realm. But also: what social or political and public meanings do we associate with the museum? Otto Bonnen is curatorial assistant at the Kunsthaus Glarus and cordially invites you to a guided tour of the exhibition Im Volksgarten–Olivia Ali+Tobias Kaspar, Rachal Bradley, Trisha Donnelly, Richard Frater, Carissa Rodriguez, Julia Scher, Bea Schlingelhoff. The guided tour will be about one hour and is free of charge.
Sunday, November 22, 2020, 03.00 PM
On the basis of a selection of works, we will discuss with Alexandra Blättler and Judith Welter current issues arising from the collection work in Lucerne and Glarus. For example: How can a collection be developed into the future? What gaps are there when you look back? What challenges are associated with the heterogeneous diversity of a collection?
Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12.30 PM
Die Teilnahme inklusive Mittagessen kostet CHF 20.–
(reduziert CHF 15.–/ für Mitglieder 10.-)
Anmeldung an oder +41 55 640 25 35
Thursday, October 22, 2020, 06.00 PM
For her work Presentation Roulette, which is currently on view in the exhibition Im Volksgarten, Bea Schlingelhoff has taken a look at the collections of the Glarner Kunstverein by making all existing works by women artists visible. In the Collection Insight, she will present works from this collection and explain her approach to her work. The wearing of hygiene masks is obligatory for this event, as the distance cannot be maintained. |
Sunday, September 20, 2020, 02.30 PM
Saturday, September 5, 2020, 02.00 PM
Friday, September 4, 2020, 05.00 PM
Saturday, August 22, 2020, 03.00 PM
Saturday, August 22, 2020, 05.00 PM
Saturday, August 22, 2020, 02.00 PM
Thursday, August 13, 2020, 06.00 PM
Sunday, August 9, 2020, 15.00
We continue the series of Collection Picks with Otto Bonnen. He is curatorial assistant at the Kunsthaus Glarus and will provide an insight into the graphic arts holdings of the collection, which are rarely presented to the public. Due to the Covid-19 editions, the Collection Pick will take place in the KKG. Small groups will nevertheless have the opportunity to visit the Schaudepot.
Thursday, June 25, 2020, 06.00 PM
Sunday, June 21, 2020, 14.30
Together with the artist, we sharpen our senses and perception of what affects us in the rooms through various exercises. Afterwards we will measure one of the two labyrinths and together we will build a new labyrinth in the exterior of the Kunsthaus. This workshop is aimed at children from 4-12 years and is free of charge.
Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 12.30
Saturday, May 23, 2020, 18.00
Sunday, May 17, 2020, 13.30
1.30pm Blickwechsel- Kids' afternoon
3.00pm Collection Picks with VI with Otto Bonnen
Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 12.30
Thursday, April 16, 2020, 18.00
Thursday, March 26, 2020, 18.00
Sunday, March 15, 2020, 14.00
Sunday, March 15, 2020, 15.00
Saturday, March 14, 2020, 06.00 PM
Due to the current situation, the opening of the exhibitions Caroline Bachmann – 58 av. J.-C. and Jan Vorisek – Collapse Poem will not take place this Saturday, 14.03.2020. The two events on Sunday, 15.03.2020 (Artist talk and Collection Picks V with Caroline Bachmann) are postponed.
We will inform you about next events in due time. A closing is planned for the end of the exhibitions. Further details will be announced in time.
Sunday, March 1, 2020, 04.00 PM
Two inputs by
Prof. Dr. Konrad Steffen, glaciologist and director of the WSL
Prof. Dr. David N. Bresch, professor for weather and climate risks
Followed by discussion with Lisa Hämmerli, environmental scientist, Nils Birkeland, IT engineer, Sophie Ellinger and Rina Lampietti from the Glarus Climate Youth and the artists
Moderation: Ernst Baumgartner
An event on the occasion of the publication of the book The Glacier's Essence and at the end of the exhibition by Martin Stützle and Fridolin Walcher.
Sunday, February 23, 2020, 15.00
Eva Barto (*1987, lives and works in Paris) discusses together with Judith Welter her work Promesse d'endettement provisoire (2019–2022), which was acquired as part of the exhibition Just Another Story about Leaving. An amount of CHF 3'000 has been agreed with the Glarner Kunstverein to produce a work within three years that will be dedicated to the Kunstverein's collection.
In the artist talk, Barto reflects on questions of different modes of production and value forms, indebtedness, the role of the audience, and a possible decommodified notion of art.
Sunday, February 23, 2020, 13.30
Die Arbeiten in der aktuellen Ausstellung Des Gletschers Kern zeigen verschiedene Formen und Farben von Eis und Schnee auf. Dies werden wir zum Anlass nehmen, um uns im Kunsthaus auf die Suche nach verschiedenen Facetten von Weiss zu begeben. Welche Farben lassen sich im Schnee und Eis noch entdecken? Und warum sind in den meisten Museum die meisten Wände weiss gestrichen? Wir freuen uns auf Deinen Besuch!
Für Kinder von 4 bis 12 Jahren. Diese Veranstaltung ist kostenlos.
Thursday, February 20, 2020, 18.00
On the occasion of the exhibition The Glacier's Essence we are continuing the series of conversations Collection Picks with the geologist Dr. Mark Feldmann. He will present a selection of works from the collections housed in the Schaudepot to talk about the presentation of geological phenomena in painting and the current situation of the Glarus glaciers.
Friday, February 7, 2020, 18.00
Fridolin Walcher and Judith Welter guide together through the current exhibition Des Gletschers Kern. In May 2018 the two Glarus artists Martin Stützle and Fridolin Walcher travelled to Greenland as part of a research expedition. On the basis of the research carried and their impressions, the two artists created a series of works last year that can be seen for the first time in Kunsthaus Glarus. In doing so, the two artists relate their own environment – the Glarus Alpine region – to the threatened Greenlandic ice landscape and present us with the abstract phenomenon of climate change.
Friday, February 7, 2020, 20.00
The SPOTNIX Filmclub is screening the French documentary film by Luc Jacquet from 2015 about the life's work of glaciologist Claude Lorius. After eight years of research in the Antarctic, Lorius was one of the first scientists to warn of the consequences of global warming in 1965. The now 88-year-old researcher traveled to the Antarctic in the mid-1950s as part of an expedition and subsequently dedicated his entire research life to the ice. He soon showed that humans are responsible for the previously proven global warming. The proof was provided by evaluating dozens of ice layers that stored the climate of the earth's history over thousands of years. Lorius came to the conclusion that the air bubbles trapped in the ice provided information about the composition of the atmosphere and thus provided a portrait of the Earth's climate.
There is a bar and snacks between the guided tour and the film.
Translated with (free version)
duration: 89 min
Wednesday, February 5, 2020, 12.30
Participation including lunch costs CHF 20.–
(reduced CHF 15.–)
Registration at or +41 55 640 25 35
Sunday, January 19, 2020, 15.00
We are continuing the series of conversations Collection Picks with Fred Jaumann. As a Glarner Kunstverein board member, he will present his own selection of works from the collections housed in the Schaudepot of the Kunsthaus Glarus.
Thursday, January 16, 2020, 18.00
Judith Welter will guide through the exhibitions The Glacier's Essence and Just Another Story about Leaving, which can be seen until March 1. The Glacier's Essence is an exhibition on climate change and glacier shrinkage in Switzerland and Greenland. In May 2018, the two Glarner artists Fridolin Walcher and Martin Stützle were invited to join climate and ice researchers on a Swiss expedition to Greenland, with the challenge of intervening in the ecological and economic debate in their own artistic languages. They developed works that relate their own environment — the Glarner Alpine region — to the threatened Greenland ice landscape. Just Another Story about Leaving is an exhibition about the collections of the Glarner Kunstverein curated by Michèle Graf, Selina Grüter and Sveta Mordovskaya in collaboration with Stefan Wagner.
Thursday, January 16, 2020, 19.00
After the public tour through the exhibitions with Judith Welter, we will show the film The Watermelon Woman (1996) by Cheryl part of the exhibition Just Another Story about Leaving.
In 1997, the American artist Zoe Leonard showed the Fae Richards Archive in her solo exhibition at the Kunsthaus Glarus. The photographic documentation of the exhibition can be seen in the current collection exhibition Just Another Story about Leaving. The collection of black and white photographs documents the life of the fictional actress Fae Richards, about whom the film protagonist Cheryl in Cheryl Dunye's film The Watermelon Woman wants to make her first film.
The film The Watermelon Woman was shown for the first time in 1997 at the Kunsthaus Glarus as part of the exhibition. The fictional black actress Fae Richards had an affair with a white Hollywood director in the 1930s. Parallel to her research on the actress, Cheryl also develops a relationship with a white woman and is confronted with questions of the sexualisation of lesbian women and of blackness. Fae Richard's life is constructed as a film within a film, while the Fae Richard Archive in the exhibition steps out of film fiction and develops a life of its own.
The film will be shown in Englisch. Admission to the film screening is free of charge.
Saturday, January 11, 2020, 18.00
6pm opening
6:30pm Introductory remarks by Mathias Zopfi, Member of the Council of State
6–7pm Kid’s opening
Wednesday, December 11, 2019, 12.30
Participation including lunch costs CHF 20.–
(reduced CHF 15.–)
Registration at or +41 55 640 25 35 through December 10, 2019
Sunday, December 1, 2019, 16.00
Wir setzen die Gesprächsreihe Sammlungseinblicke mit Stefan Wagner fort. Als langjähriger Mitarbeiter des Kunsthaus Glarus wird er anhand einer Auswahl von Arbeiten seine Erfahrungen mit dem Sammlungsbestand aus praxisbezogener und persönlicher Perspektive mit uns teilen.
Sunday, November 17, 2019, 14.00
Kunst kann Blicke auf die Welt verändern und verschieben. Wie blicken Kinder auf die Kunstwerke im Museum? Mit selbstgebauten Seh-Apparaten, werden wir Blicke auf die Arbeiten und die Ausstellungen werfen und der Frage nachgehen, was wir bei einer Ausstellung für Kinder verändern würden. Wir freuen uns auf Deinen Besuch!
Für Kinder von 4 bis 12 Jahren. Diese Veranstaltung ist kostenlos.
Sunday, November 10, 2019, 16.00
Thursday, November 7, 2019, 18.00
Off Kunsthaus Glarus* at Museum des Landes Glarus Freulerpalast, Näfels
*We will contiunue presenting Off Kunsthaus Glarus exhibitions at various locations during renovations.
Thursday, October 31, 2019, 18.00
Sunday, October 27, 2019, 14.00
Sunday, October 27, 2019, 15.00
Diese Veranstaltung ist auf Englisch.
Saturday, October 26, 2019, 18.00
6pm Opening and Introductions
6–7pm Opening for children
from 7:30pm on dinner
Saturday, October 26, 2019, 18.00
Bei der Neueröffnung werden wir uns, ausgestattet mit Fragen und Fotokameras, auf Erkundungs- und Beobachtungstour unter die Gäste der Vernissage mischen Für Kinder zwischen 5–10 Jahren.
Sunday, September 22, 2019, 15.00
Off Kunsthaus Glarus* at Museum des Landes Glarus Freulerpalast
*We will continue presenting Off Kunsthaus Glarus exhibitions at various locations during renovations.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019, 15.00
Public guided tour for elderly with Danièle Florence Perrin, art educator of Museum des Landes Glarus Freulerpalast
Off Kunsthaus Glarus* at Museum des Landes Glarus Freulerpalast
*We will continue presenting Off Kunsthaus Glarus exhibitions at various locations during renovations.
Sunday, August 25, 2019, 15.00
Public guided tour with Anne Gruber, art educator, Kunsthaus Glarus
Off Kunsthaus Glarus* at Museum des Landes Glarus Freulerpalast, Näfels
*We will contiunue presenting Off Kunsthaus Glarus exhibitions at various locations during renovations.
Saturday, June 29, 2019, 18.00
Off Kunsthaus Glarus* at Museum des Landes Glarus Freulerpalast, Näfels
*We will contiunue presenting Off Kunsthaus Glarus exhibitions at various locations during renovations.
Saturday, May 18, 2019, 18.00
Off Kunsthaus Glarus: at Güterschuppen Glarus
Caterina Barbieri (IT/DE), Gabriele Garavaglia (IT/CH), Bendik Giske (NO/DE), Lolina (EST/UK) / Visuals by Vera Karlsson, Albrecht Pischel (DE)
Osmosis is an event that brings together musicians and artists interested in various ways in the interplay between social and architectural space and sound as well as in the manipulative effects of minimalism and repetition. Presented as part of the Off Kunsthaus Glarus program, the evening at the Güterschuppen initiates an experimental format between performance, concert, and exhibition setting. Taking their respective contexts – electroacoustic composition, jazz improvisation, experimental club music, performance – as starting points, Caterina Barbieri, Gabriele Garavaglia, Bendik Giske, Lolina, and Albrecht Pischel confront in various ways the complex interrelationships between space, sound, and body.
Caterina Barbieri works primarily with analog modular synthesizers to produce her music. Her compositions examine the spatial qualities of electronically generated sound, which takes on a quasi-sculptural character. Working with minimalist structures, Barbieri creates during her sets elegant harmonies reminiscent of trance music, complex rhythmic structures, and driving atmospheres. Her new album, Ecstatic Computations, will be released in early May by Editions Mego, the prestigious independent label for experimental electronic music. Lolina is a producer and performer of electronic music. Her self-released albums and EPs - RELAXIN’ with Lolina EP (2015), Live in Paris (2016), Lolita EP (2017), The Smoke (2018) - are lo-fi digital, bedroom studio productions and repeated vocal compositions. Following the release of Live in Geneva (2019), Lolina will perform in Glarus a new live set of experimental beatbox, with visuals by Vera Karlsson. Saxophonist Bendik Giske explores queer aspects of physicality, endurance, and vulnerability. During his performances, a minimalistic repetition of sounds and gestures in space yield transcendental qualities. In Glarus he will play an entirely acoustic set. Gabriele Garavaglia’s performances are based on minimal interventions in people’s outer appearances in certain social settings, such as exhibition openings. His interventions transform such settings in incidental ways. For the Commission Roundabouts record-edition series, Albrecht Pischel invited artists to create imaginary roundabout sculptures presented on spinning vinyl records. In Glarus he shows Commission Roundabouts by Alexi Kukuljevic, Veit Laurent Kurz, Matt Mullican, Dan Peterman, Raphaela Vogel, and B. Wurtz. Here the interplay of space and sound is negotiated in an implicit and explicit way.
Organized by Jan Vorisek
Admission: CHF 15
Sunday, May 5, 2019, 11.30
Die Sanierung des Kunsthaus Glarus ist im vollen Gange - dennoch gibt es auch dieses Jahr das traditionelle Landsgemeinde-Mittagessen. Raffael Müller und sein Team servieren das Landsgemeinde-Menu im Güterschuppen Glarus für Fr. 25.- pro Person. Bei schönem Wetter findet das Mittagessen draussen statt.
Sunday, January 13, 2019, 14.00
67 Glarner Kunstschaffende zeigen (und verkaufen) ihre Kunst – ein Grund zum Feiern!
Mit einem abwechslungsreichen Mitmach-Programm für Gross und Klein, Kaffee, Speckgugelhopf und Bratäpfeln feiern wir den letzten Nachmittag der Ausstellung!
14.00 Uhr Eröffnung des Nachmittags mit Ursula Helg und Marco Russo
14.30 Uhr Beginn der Workshops: Stjepan Slukan und Katja Straub beantworten Fragen zu ihrer Arbeit und laden zum eigenen Gestalten ein
15.30 Uhr Albert Schmidt spricht zum Entstehungshintergrund seiner Bergbilder
16.00 Uhr Martin Stützle beendet den Nachmittag mit der Perfomance situ 130119
Mit Ursula Helg, Kunstvermittlerin
Saturday, January 12, 2019, 11.00
Die Kunstschaffenden Flurin Bisig, Ekaterina Chernetskaya, Lisa Eikrann und Sandro Steger, Marina Hauser, Cornelia Kälin und Cyrill Loosli, Daniel Ledergerber, Walter Lehmann, Joder Machaz, Ria Rikkink, Silvia Schneider, Stjepan Slukan, Martin Stützle, Christina Vanomsen-Zimmermann (Atelier in Schwanden), Fridolin Walcher (Bilderlager in Linthal) öffnen für einen Samstag ihre Türen und geben einen Einblick in ihr aktuelles Schaffen. Eine Gelegenheit, der Kunst und den Künstler*innen im Gespräch zu begegnen!
Flyer herunterladen
Adressliste herunterladen
Saturday, January 12, 2019, 17.00
Zum Abschluss der Offenen Ateliers und der aktuellen Ausstellung Kunstschaffen Glarus 2018 freuen wir uns den jährlichen Publikumspreis der glarnerSach zu vergeben. Die Preisverleihung mit anschliessendem Apéro findet in der Ausstellung im ehemaligen Therma-Areal, in der Werkhalle 34A, an der Sernftalstrasse 34 in Schwanden statt.
Thursday, January 10, 2019, 18.00
Die Führung gibt einen vertieften Einblick in die diesjährige Jahresausstellung Glarner Kunstschaffender und lädt zum gemeinsamen Gespräch ein.
Thursday, December 20, 2018, 18.00
Die Führung gibt einen vertieften Einblick in die diesjährige Jahresausstellung Glarner Kunstschaffender und lädt zum gemeinsamen Gespräch ein.
Wednesday, December 12, 2018, 14.00
Kreiere ein humorvolles Weihnachtsgeschenk! Der Glarner Künstler Stjepan Slukan zeigt Euch, wie das geht.
Kennst du die Glarner Kunstzene? Nein? Dann lerne sie jetzt kennen! In unserer aktuellen Ausstellung in Schwanden zeigen mehr als 60 Glarner Kunstschaffende ihre Werke. Auch Stjepan Slukan gehört zu ihnen. Schon als Schüler hat er leidenschaftlich gerne gemalt. Wie und warum, das fragst du ihn am besten gleich selbst. Er erklärt uns seine oben abgebildete Arbeit und zeigt dir, wie du Eltern, Grosseltern, Freunde und Bekannte mit einem humorvollen Weihnachtsgeschenk überraschen kannst! Zieh warme Kleider an, die schmutzig werden dürfen und bringe ein Foto von der Person mit, die du beschenken möchtest. Für das benötigte Material und einen Zvieri sorgen wir.
Mit Ursula Helg, Kunstvermittlerin und Stjepan Slukan, Künstler
Saturday, December 8, 2018, 18.00
Sunday, November 11, 2018, 14.00
Es ist schon einige Jahre her seit die Glarner Künstlerin Erika Sidler mit der abgebildeten Tischsituation den Kiefer Hablitzel Preis gewonnen hat. Du möchtest sie kennenlernen und mehr zu ihrem Werk erfahren? Dann komm mit deiner Familie in den Güterschuppen! Erika Sidler begleitet uns durch die aktuelle Ausstellung. Findest du heraus, welche Arbeit ihr am besten gefällt?
Der Nachmittag eignet sich für alle, die gerne zeichnen, fantasieren und diskutieren. Zieht Euch warm an! Wir sorgen mit heissen Getränken und Kuchen für Gemütlichkeit.
Saturday, November 3, 2018, 17.00
Thursday, October 25, 2018, 18.00
Thursday, October 4, 2018, 18.00
Wednesday, September 26, 2018, 14.00
Mit Ursula Helg, Kunstvermittlerin
Saturday, September 22, 2018, 18.00
Sunday, August 19, 2018, 14.00
Sternentor und Zahlenzauber. Eine Reise für Gross und Klein zu den geheimnisvollen Zeichen und Formen der epischen Zeit.
Komm mit auf unsere Entdeckungsreise in Bonnie Camplins Zeichnungs-universum! Sie führt uns zu Marsmännchen, weisen Hexen und kämpferischen Prinzessinnen und sie macht uns mit geheimnisvollen Linien, Formen und Zeichen bekannt. Der zweite Teil der Reise führt uns in unsere Zeichenwerkstatt. Dort begegnen wir ausgewählten Arbeiten der verstorbenen Glarner Künstlerin Vre Tschudi. Wir werfen einen Blick auf Werke aus unserer Sammlung und begeben uns zuletzt unter Anleitung von Erika Schneider mit Pinsel und Farbe auf die Suche nach unseren ganz persönlichen Formen und lassen uns durch deren Geschichten überraschen.
Mit Ursula Helg, Kunstvermittlerin und Erika Schneider, Künstlerin
Saturday, August 18, 2018, 17.00
Saturday, August 18, 2018, 16.00
Das Kunsthaus Glarus wird für die anstehende Sanierung seine Türen für ein Jahr schliessen. Vor der grossen Pause im Haus und zum Abschluss der Ausstellung EPIC TIME von Bonnie Camplin laden wir am Samstag, den 18.08.2018, zu einem Sommerfest ein. Wir freuen uns bei dieser Gelegenheit zwei neue Editionen von Marta Riniker-Radich und Bonnie Camplin zu präsentieren. Ebenso gibt es bereits den ganzen Tag über einen kleinen Kunsthaus-Flohmarkt mit Raritäten und Doubletten aus unserem Lager und der Bibliothek.
ab 16.00 Uhr
XXL-Skizzenbuch: Im Schneelisaal im Untergeschoss entsteht ein überdimensionales Skizzenbuch, das die «epische Spur» der aktuellen Ausstellung verfolgt. Mit Kunstvermittlerin Ursula Helg
17.00 Uhr
Rundgang durch die Ausstellung mit Bonnie Camplin und Judith Welter (* in Englisch)
ab 18.00 Uhr
Sommerfest mit Sommerdrinks, Siedwurst, Focaccia, Salat und DJ Bruhin bis open end
Thursday, August 16, 2018, 18.00
Die Führung gibt einen Einblick in die aktuelle Einzelausstellung EPIC TIME der britischen Künstlerin Bonnie Camplin (*1970, lebt und arbeitet in London). In unterschiedlichen Medien umkreist sie universelle und komplexe Themen, die grundsätzliche Fragen des Menschseins (und des Künstlerseins) betreffen. Im Zentrum steht die Auseinandersetzung mit Bewusstseins- und Realitätsbegriffen. Bonnie Camplin erforscht, wie wir mit unserer materiellen, menschlichen und übersinnlichen, nicht-menschlichen Umwelt in Verbindung stehen und diese wahrnehmen. In den letzten Jahren entstand ein geheimnisvoller, fantastischer und gleichzeitig formelhafter Bildkosmos.
Wednesday, June 27, 2018, 14.00
Wer ist «Zu-Mir»? Entdecke mit Pinsel und Farbe deine eigene Form!
Hast du schon einmal die Formen der Wolken studiert? Dann weisst du bestimmt, dass sich diese fortwährend verändern. Sie können an einen Elefanten, einen Zwerg, einen Blumenkohl oder eine Katze erinnern. Nie wissen wir im Voraus, welche Gestalt eine Wolke annehmen wird. Ähnliches kann man beim Zeichnen erleben. Die Künstlerin Bonnie Camplin zum Beispiel lässt sich am liebsten von Formen überraschen, die wie von selbst entstehen. Wie das geht, zeigt euch die Glarner Künstlerin Erika Schneider. Wir lassen uns von ihr durch die Ausstellung begleiten und suchen nach Formen, die uns interessieren. Anschliessend dürft ihr eure eigenen «Zu-Mirs» gestalten. Sie werden Teil einer kleinen Ausstellung, die bis zum 19.08.2018 im Kunsthaus öffentlich zu sehen sein wird.
Mit Ursula Helg, Kunstvermittlerin und Erika Schneider, Künstlerin
Thursday, June 21, 2018, 18.00
Saturday, May 26, 2018, 18.00
Sunday, May 13, 2018, 13.00
Wer die Ausstellung von Marta Riniker-Radich schon besucht hat, weiss, dass manche ihrer Zeichnungen einem das Wasser im Munde zusammenlaufen lassen. Die Künstlerin lässt mit ihren Farbstiften süsse Träume entstehen, die zum Zugreifen und Geniessen einladen. Sie stehen für eine heimelige Welt der Geborgenheit und Wärme und lassen Schlaraffenlandfantasien entstehen, die einen immer wieder verführen können. Doch verbirgt sich dahinter tatsächlich ein «Wohlfühlland»? Damit es im Kunsthaus für einmal nicht bei der Augenschwelgerei bleibt, hat sich die Kunstvermittlung zum Internationalen Museumstag und Muttertag ein ganz besonderes Experiment ausgedacht. Lassen Sie sich überraschen! Besuchen Sie uns mit der ganzen Familie und mit Freunden und tauchen Sie ein in ein real gewordenes Schlaraffenland…
Die Teilnahme ist für alle kostenlos. Bei Gruppen von mehr als 10 Kindern bitten wir um eine Voranmeldung per Email: oder per Telefon: 079 635 48 74.
Mit Ursula Helg, Kunstvermittlerin
Sunday, May 13, 2018, 16.00
Sunday, May 6, 2018, 12.00
Auch dieses Jahr servieren wir im Kunsthaus Glarus das traditionelle Landsgemeinde-Menu zubereitet von Raffael Müller.
Landsgemeinde-Menu Fr. 25.- pro Person inkl. Eintritt in die Ausstellung (vegetarisches Menu auf Anfrage)
Reservationen unter oder 055 640 25 35
Wednesday, May 2, 2018, 14.00
Warst du schon einmal im Schlaraffenland? Es soll in diesem Wunderland alles geben, wovon wir träumen und keiner muss dafür arbeiten. Wie dieses Land ausschaut, weiss niemand so genau. Die farbigen Zeichnungen der Künstlerin Marta Riniker-Radich nehmen uns mit auf eine Reise an Orte, die uns nicht selten an das Schlaraffenland erinnern. Doch ist dieses Traumland wirklich, was es verspricht? Gemeinsam schauen wir uns die unterschiedlichen Zauberwelten an und basteln als Muttertagsüberraschung unser eigenes Schlaraffenland. Läuft dir schon jetzt das Wasser im Munde zusammen? Dann komm zu unserem Kindernachmittag!
Am 13. Mai wird dein gebautes Schlaraffenland im Kunsthaus für deine ganze Familie und deine Freunde zu besichtigen sein, zusammen mit einer weiteren Überraschung, die wir jetzt noch nicht verraten!
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Bei Gruppen von mehr als 10 Kindern bitten wir um eine Voranmeldung per Email: oder per Telefon: 079 635 48 74.
Mit Ursula Helg, Kunstvermittlerin
Thursday, April 26, 2018, 18.00
Thursday, April 12, 2018, 18.00
Sunday, March 25, 2018, 14.00
Zeichnest du gerne? Oder kennst du Menschen, die gerne zeichnen? Dann lade sie jetzt zu einem Besuch unserer neuen Ausstellung ins Kunsthaus ein! Die Schweizer Künstlerin Marta Riniker-Radich ist eine leidenschaftliche Zeichnerin. Meistens arbeitet sie mit Farbstiften. Mit diesen zaubert sie geheimnisvolle bunte Welten aufs Papier. Wie sie das macht, wollen wir in einem ersten Teil gemeinsam herausfinden. Um das spielerische Erproben verschiedener Techniken des Zeichnens geht es dann im zweiten Teil unseres Nachmittags. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Zeichenfreaks jeden Alters, vor allem aber an alle, die glauben, überhaupt nicht zeichnen zu können...
Mit Ursula Helg, Kunstvermittlerin
Saturday, March 17, 2018, 18.00
Saturday, March 3, 2018, 11.00
Die Kunstvermittlung nutzt die Programmpause des Kunsthauses vor dem Umbau, um vom 26.02. bis zum 02.03. die leeren Räume gemeinsam mit Schulklassen, den Mitgliedern des Kunstvereins, Glarner Vereinen und Kulturinstitutionen, sowie allen anderen Interessierten mit Gedanken und Ideen für das Kunsthaus von Morgen zu füllen. Am Eröffnungstag erwartet Sie von 11.00 bis 17.00 Uhr ein vielstimmiges Programm mit Gästen. Es lädt nicht nur zum Schauen und Zuhören, sondern auch zum selber Ausprobieren, Mittun und Mitdenken ein.
11.00 Uhr
Begrüssung und Einführung mit Ursula Helg
11.30 Uhr
Werkstatt 1: Raum, Rhythmus, Klang und Bild. Bringen Sie Ihr Musikinstrument mit
12.30 Uhr
Kulturerbe weitergeben und teilen: Gespräch mit Sasi Subramaniam zu seiner Fotoserie über Schweizer Brauchtum
13.30 Uhr
Werkstatt 2: Licht, Technik, Bewegung und Bild (Kooperationsprojekt mit den Makers im Zigerschlitz)
14.30 Uhr
Weisch no? Geschichte(n) erinnern und erzählen: Erfahren Sie von Beteiligten, warum Partizipation im Kunsthaus Glarus Tradition hat
15.30 Uhr
Werkstatt 3: Objekte sammeln und sprechen lassen. Machen Sie mit bei unserem digitalen Katalog von allen für alle. Bringen Sie Bilder und Objekte mit, die Ihnen etwas bedeuten
16.30 Uhr
Generationen und Institutionen verbinden: Museum als Begegnungsort von Menschen und Disziplinen. Lernen Sie das Projekt Lesementoring für Kinder der Fachstelle Generationen kennen
Saturday, March 3, 2018, 11.00
This event takes place in german
Wednesday, February 28, 2018, 14.00
Du meinst Kunst hat vor allem mit Leinwand, Farbe und Pinsel zu tun? Weit gefehlt! Das neugierige Tüfteln und Experimentieren mit Technik und Licht war für viele Künstlerinnen und Künstler wichtig. In unserem Workshop bauen wir unter Anleitung der Makers im Zigerschlitz einen kleinen Käfer. Wir beobachten, worauf er reagiert und wie wir ihn durch den Raum lenken können. Zum Schluss veranstalten wir mit den Käfern eine Performance. Die abstrakten Bilder, die dabei entstehen werden am Wochenende vom 03.-04.03.2018 im Kunsthaus Glarus ausgestellt.
Saturday, February 24, 2018, 04.00 PM
In his essay Accelerate Management, Mark Fisher addresses the problem of a scarcity of time for intellectual work under the dictate of a managerial-production logic. Fisher’s textis the starting point for working together to develop a new thematic focus for the magazine Brand-New-Life. The empty Kunsthaus temporarily becomes the editorial room where we ask ourselves: What are the conditions in which art is made and exhibited today. How and when do we engage in writing and intellectual work today? The event provides a framework to reflect on issues related to working conditions, art institutions, and economics, and to explore “alternative” ways of using existing spaces and economies. Im Bau opens the floor to what is otherwise omitted: what is too much or too little, too concrete or diffuse, too open or delicate. Ideas without a goal.
The event takes place from February 23 to 25 2018. On Saturday, the editorial room will be open to the public:
Lecture Rory Rowan, Summer Was Coming. On Mark Fisher
Booklaunch Studium, nicht Kritik with Lucie Kolb and Hannes Loichinger
Round Table Georgia Sagri, Art Without Work & Work Without Art. Notes, Questions And Thoughts Open For Discussion
Followed by soup and bar
This event is organized in cooperation with Brand-New-Life and was initiated by Lucie Kolb and Judith Welter
Thursday, February 15, 2018, 18.00
Mit Gästen führt Judith Welter durch das leere Kunsthaus. Am 15.02. diskutieren die beiden Architekten Kaspar Marti (Präsident Glarner Kunstverein) und Raoul Sigl (Conen Sigl Architekten): Welche Geschichte(n) erzählt der 66-jährige Bau von Hans Leuzinger? Weshalb ist der Bau denkmalgeschützt und stellt ein besonderes Erbe dar? Wie kann mit der Realisierung des Sanierungsprojektes und dem Blick in die Zukunft auch das bestehende erhalten werden? Kulturerbe prägt uns oft unbemerkt und scheint wie selbstverständlich vorhanden zu sein.
Die Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen des #Kulturerbe 2018 statt. Unter dem Motto «Schau hin!» wird mit zahlreichen Veranstaltungen ein Jahr lang unser gemeinsames kulturelles Erbe landesweit in den Mittelpunkt gerückt.
Das Kulturerbe ist nicht nur gemeinsamer Schatz, es beeinflusst das Hier und Jetzt. Weitere Veranstaltungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Kulturerbe:
Sunday, January 28, 2018, 14.00
Im Kunsthaus Glarus sind derzeit rätselhafte Töne zu hören. Wie sie entstehen oder woher sie kommen und was sie mit dem Glanerland zu tun haben werden wir auf einem Spaziergang durch die diesjährige Kunstschaffen-Ausstelllung gemeinsam herausfinden. In unserer Klangwerkstatt könnt ihr anschliessend selbst mit Geräuschen, Tönen und Klängen experimentieren. Wer will, darf sein eigenes Musikinstrument mitbringen. Zum Abschluss werden wir unter Einbezug der rätselhaften Töne im Museum alle zusammen ein Konzert veranstalten.
Die Teilnahme ist für Erwachsene und Kinder kostenlos. Bei Gruppen von mehr als 10 Personen bitten wir um eine Voranmeldung per Email: oder per Telefon: 079 635 48 74.
Mit Ursula Helg, Kunstvermittlerin
Saturday, January 27, 2018, 11.00
Die Künstlerinnen und Künstler Esther Angst, Frank Birk, Nicole Cagianut, Lisa Eikrann & Sandro Steger, Dafi Kühne, Lotte Müggler, Silvia Schneider, Werner Stauffacher, Fridolin Walcher und Moshe Wessely öffnen für einen Samstag ihre Türen und geben einen Einblick in ihr aktuelles Schaffen. Eine Gelegenheit, der Kunst und den Kunstschaffenden im Gespräch zu begegnen.
Esther Angst
Zollhausstrasse 4
In der alten Schreinerei Leuzinger
8750 Glarus
Frank Birk
Mühlefuhr 4
8755 Ennenda
Letzter Industrieeingang 1. Stock
Nicole Cagianut
Fuhr 4
8783 Diesbach
Lisa Eikrann & Sandro Steger
Eingang rechts Kulturzentrum Holästei
8750 Glarus
Dafi Kühne
Mühlhäusern 2
Im 1. Stock
8752 Näfels
Lotte Müggler
Haselholz 7
8754 Netstal
Parkplätze bei Fridolin-Pub benutzen
Silvia Schneider
Alte Telefozentrale
beim Parkplatz neben der alten Brücke
8782 Rüti GL
Um 12/14/16 Uhr findet je eine Kurzlesung
aus ihrem Buch 'Mann und Frau spielen' statt.
Werner Stauffacher
Mühlefuhr 4
8755 Ennenda
Letzter Industrieeingang 1. Stock
Fridolin Walcher
Spinnerei Linthal
Bahnhofstrasse 1
8783 Linthal
Moshe Wessely
Dornhaus 13
8783 Diesbach
Saturday, January 27, 2018, 17.00
Zum Ende von Throwing Snow Into a Circle spricht Judith Welter mit Patrick Rohner über seine Arbeitsweise, über Land Art, das Verhältnis zwischen Natur und Kunst und weitere Themen der Ausstellung.
Ab 17.00 Uhr findet zum Abschluss der Offenen Ateliers im Kunsthaus Glarus ein Apéro statt. Vor dem Gespräch mit Patrick Rohner freuen wir uns, den jährlichen Publikumspreis der glarnerSach zu vergeben!
Im Anschluss Suppe & Bar.
Thursday, January 18, 2018, 18.00
Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 14.00
Kunst kann ein Schritt sein oder ein Stein, sagt der Künstler Richard Long. Er braucht für seine Arbeiten weder Pinsel noch Farbe, sondern eine weite Landschaft und Ausdauer. Auf seiner 7-tägigen Wanderung durch das Glärnisch Massiv hat er ganz unterschiedliche Spuren gelegt. Wer entdeckt diese auf dem Foto und wer findet heraus, wie er sie gemacht hat? Wir raten, wie viele Schritte es braucht, um durch die ganze Ausstellung zu wandern, lernen zwischen natürlichen und geometrischen Formen zu unterscheiden, legen eigene Spuren und halten Ausschau nach dem Kunstwerk, das uns am besten gefällt.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Bei Gruppen von mehr als 10 Personen bitten wir um eine Voranmeldung per Email: oder per Telefon: 079 635 48 74.
Mit Ursula Helg
Sunday, December 17, 2017, 11.00
Sunday, December 17, 2017, 15.00
Sunday, November 19, 2017, 13.00
Im Rahmen seiner Recherchen für die Klöntal Triennale stiess Florian Germann auf angebliche Licht- und Marienerscheinungen in und um den Kanton Glarus, die zum Ausgangspunkt seiner Aktionen wurden. Seit der Eröffnung wurden immer wieder abstrakte Lichterscheinungen über dem Klöntalersee beobachtet. Als Schlusspunkt der Klöntal Triennale lüftet der Künstler das Geheimnis und gewährt Einblick in seine Arbeitsweise, mysteriöse Inspirationsmomente und die technischen Hintergründe seiner Machenschaften. Ein Demonstrationsflug bringt zusätzliches Licht ins Dunkel.
Nach einer Kaffee- und Kuchenpause führt Ursula Helg (Kunstvermittlerin Kunsthaus Glarus) mit einem Rundgang durch die aktuelle Sammlungsausstellung und hält Ausschau nach weiteren Lichtspuren in Kunstwerken der Sammlung des Glarner Kunstvereins.
Sunday, October 22, 2017, 11.00 AM
Saturday, October 7, 2017, 07.00 PM
Sunday, October 1, 2017, 07.00 PM
Sunday, October 1, 2017, 02.00 PM
Das Geheimnis der Perlen von Manhattan und andere Kunstwerke, die die Wahrheit auf den Kopf stellen!
Lässt du dich leicht täuschen oder erkennst du sofort, wenn dich jemand an der Nase herumführen will? Gehst du der Wahrheit gerne auf den Grund oder magst du gerade das Ungewisse? Im Kunsthaus steht die Wahrheit derzeit Kopf. Wie und warum, das gilt es herauszufinden. Wir laden dich und deine ganze Familie ein, in unsere brodelnde Gerüchteküche einzutauchen! Sucht gemeinsam die Perlen von Manhattan und lasst Euch vom kreativen Spiel der Künstler mit Erfundenem überraschen und inspirieren.
Mit Ursula Helg, Kunstvermittlerin
Wednesday, September 6, 2017, 02.00 PM
Wahr oder erfunden? Das ist die knifflige Frage, die sich derzeit im Kunsthaus stellt. Wir werden zu Detektiven und nehmen die Geschichten, die uns die Künstler erzählen unter die Lupe. Wer will uns einen Bären aufbinden oder uns an der Nase herumführen? Wir halten Ausschau nach den sichtbaren und unsichtbaren Märchen und beobachten, mit welchen Tricks die Künstler arbeiten.
Mit Ursula Helg, Kunstvermittlerin
Wednesday, August 30, 2017, 07.00 PM
Saturday, August 12, 2017, 06.00 PM
Friday, August 11, 2017, 06.00 PM
Saturday, July 8, 2017, 18.00
Alicia Frankovich, Twins and Lovers - The performance is a live encounter of 5 performers to a constantly changing collective multi-body creature. Based on concepts of gender and biopolitics, the artist pursues the idea of a diversity of relationships, incarnations and possibilities of change for individuals within society. In these duplications - of twins and lovers - the differences and connections between bodies and forms are interwoven and celebrated.
Helga Wretman, In-Group Photo - Helga Wretman is an artist, fitness addict and stuntwoman. In her performance, she awakens as sense of cohesion and interdependence within the audience by rehearsing physical exercises with the participants. These exercises are typically used to build up and strengthen group dynamics in companies. By creating a sense of community and sympathy within the group the exercises are intended to foster individual identity as well as emotional affiliation with the group. In business contexts, this is also supposed to increase productivity. At the end of the performance, a group photo is taken in order to document this transformation. Comfortable clothes recommended! At the end of the performance, a group photo is taken and spread by social media in order to document this transformation and communicate it.
Emma Haugh, Reading Troupe Manual 02 Emma Haugh has collaged materials together from Adrian Piper’s ‘Notes on Funk‘ (1984), a collaborative performance and lecture on Funk music (it’s history, relation to race and class, and the learning of funk dance moves) for the cover of her own Reading Troupe Manual 02. The manual contains instructions for a performative and theatrical reading technique. In RT sessions readers are invited to participate in an active embodiment of knowledge dissemination and production. This collaborative practice is an attempt to collectively enter the body of a chosen text through improvisation and amateur dramatics rather than analytic and academic language.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017, 02.00 PM
Sunday, June 25, 2017, 03.00 PM
Sunday, June 11, 2017, 02.00 PM
Saturday, May 27, 2017, 06.00 PM
Sunday, May 14, 2017, 03.00 PM
Sunday, May 7, 2017, 12.00 PM
Wie bereits im letzten Jahr servieren wir im Foyer des Kunsthaus Glarus das traditionelle Landsgemeinde-Menu zubereitet von Raffael Müller.
Landsgemeinde-Menu Fr. 25.- pro Person inkl. Eintritt in die Ausstellung (vegetarisches Menu auf Anfrage)
Reservationen unter oder 055 640 25 35
Thursday, May 4, 2017, 05.00 PM
Sunday, April 30, 2017, 02.00 PM
Thursday, April 27, 2017, 06.00 PM
Thursday, March 23, 2017, 06.00 PM
Wednesday, March 15, 2017, 02.00 PM
Saturday, March 11, 2017, 06.00 PM
19.00 Uhr Performance by Mathis Gasser
Live-Sets: PATCHFINDER (London)
Supported by RAT (H.O.M.E., Zürich)
Sunday, February 26, 2017, 11.00 AM
Die Ausstellungsreihe Plattform zeigt seit über zehn Jahren neue Arbeiten von Kunsthochschul-Abgängerinnen und Abgängern und steht selbst zwischen ausbildenden und ausstellenden Institutionen. Dieses Format suggeriert einen klaren Übergang von Ausbildung zu Praxis und damit ein klassisches Bildungsnarrativ. Diskursive Praktiken und selbstorganisierte Räume der Wissens- und Kunstproduktion abseits der Hochschulen und Dropouts kommen dabei genauso zu kurz wie Ausbildung von ökonomischen Verwertungslogiken ausgenommen wird. Mit A Winter School's Sunday wird dieses Jahr ein Format erprobt, bei dem verschiedene Stimmen zu Wort kommen, die sich aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven mit dem Thema Ausbildung und mit diskursiven Praktiken beschäftigen. Mit Beiträgen von Hans-Christian Dany, Lucie Kolb, Bea Schlingelhoff, Matthias Sohr und Ramaya Tegegne. Es gibt ein Mittagessen um ca. 14 Uhr, zu dem alle herzlich eingeladen sind! Die Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen der Ausstellung Plattform17 – A Winter School (12. –26. Februar 2017) statt. |
Thursday, February 23, 2017, 06.00 PM
Public guided tour through the exhibition Plattform17 – A Winter School with Ann-Kathrin Eickhoff from the curatorial team.
The duration of the tour will be around 45min.
Thursday, February 16, 2017, 06.00 PM
Public guided tour through the exhibition Plattform17 – A Winter School with Kathrin Bentele from the curatorial team.
The duration of the tour will be around 45min.
Saturday, February 11, 2017, 06.00 PM
With Performances by Mohamed Abdelkarim and Gilles Rotzetter
Saturday, January 21, 2017, 02.00 PM
Die Glarner Künstlerinnen und Künstler Esther Angst, Frank Birk, Angela Caviglia, Marina Hauser, Pascale Küng, Martin Stützle, Murielle Thrier-Pellaton und Fridolin Walcher öffnen für einen Samstagnachmittag ihre Türen und geben einen Einblick in ihr aktuelles Schaffen. Eine Gelegenheit, der Kunst und den KünstlerInnen auch im Gespräch zu begegnen. Im Anschluss daran findet ab 17.00 Uhr ein Apéro im Kunsthaus statt anlässlich dessen der traditionelle Publikumspreis der glarnerSach vergeben wird.
Die Ateliers können entweder individuell besucht werden oder zusammen mit der Direktorin Judith Welter. Besammlung für einen gemeinsamen Rundgang ist um 14.00 Uhr im Foyer des Kunsthaus.
Esther Angst
Zollhausstrasse 4
8750 Glarus
Frank Birk
Mühlefuhr 4
Letzter Industrieeingang
1. Stock
8755 Ennenda
Angela Caviglia
Bleiche 1
8755 Ennenda
Marina Hauser
Zaunstrasse 13
8750 Glarus
Pascale Küng
Obere Allmeind 3
3. Stock
8755 Ennenda
Martin Stützle
Villa Friedberg
Oberhalb Gewerbezentrum Mühlefuhr
8755 Ennenda
Murielle Thrier-Pellaton
Ennetbachstrasse 36
8754 Netstal
Fridolin Walcher
Spinnerei Linthal
Bahnhofstrasse 1
8783 Linthal
Friday, January 20, 2017, 02.00 PM
Dafi Kühnes im Foyer präsentiertes Projekt Neue Nachrichten aus der Druckerei des Kunsthaus Glarus wird erst im Laufe der Ausstellung vollendet: An sechs Freitagen wird er während den regulären Öffnungszeiten auf einer Buchdruck-Andruckpresse aus den 1960er Jahren ein Plakat drucken, das er jeweils um 17 Uhr im Kunsthaus aufhängen wird.
Sunday, January 15, 2017, 02.00 PM
Was erzählt ein Bild und umgekehrt: Was kann ich über ein Bild erzählen? Wir nehmen die Ausstellung Kunstschaffen Glarus zum Anlass, um Geschichten zu Bildern zu erzählen. Wir halten unsere Erzählungen in Wort und Bild fest und interviewen uns gegenseitig, notieren und zeichnen auf. Zum Abschluss gestaltet jede und jeder zu seinem Lieblingswerk eine Mini-Geschichte zum Nachhause-Nehmen.
Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Familien und Erwachsene. Die Teilnahme ist gratis.
Friday, January 13, 2017, 02.00 PM
Dafi Kühnes im Foyer präsentiertes Projekt Neue Nachrichten aus der Druckerei des Kunsthaus Glarus wird erst im Laufe der Ausstellung vollendet: An sechs Freitagen wird er während den regulären Öffnungszeiten auf einer Buchdruck-Andruckpresse aus den 1960er Jahren ein Plakat drucken, das er jeweils um 17 Uhr im Kunsthaus aufhängen wird.
Thursday, January 12, 2017, 06.00 PM
Public guided tour (in German) through the exhibitions Urs August Steiner – Super Cool X-1000 and Kunstschaffen Glarus with Kathrin Bentele, curatorial assistant.
The guided tour will take around 1 hour.
Friday, December 30, 2016, 02.00 PM
Dafi Kühnes im Foyer präsentiertes Projekt Neue Nachrichten aus der Druckerei des Kunsthaus Glarus wird erst im Laufe der Ausstellung vollendet: An sechs Freitagen wird er während den regulären Öffnungszeiten auf einer Buchdruck-Andruckpresse aus den 1960er Jahren ein Plakat drucken, das er jeweils um 17 Uhr im Kunsthaus aufhängen wird.
Friday, December 16, 2016, 02.00 PM
Dafi Kühnes im Foyer präsentiertes Projekt Neue Nachrichten aus der Druckerei des Kunsthaus Glarus wird erst im Laufe der Ausstellung vollendet: An sechs Freitagen wird er während den regulären Öffnungszeiten auf einer Buchdruck-Andruckpresse aus den 1960er Jahren ein Plakat drucken, das er jeweils um 17 Uhr im Kunsthaus aufhängen wird.
Saturday, December 10, 2016, 06.00 PM
Esther Angst, Frank Birk, Ruth Blesi, Klaus Born, Ulrich Bruppacher, Angela Caviglia, Mary Derungs, Lisa Eikrann, Karin Faaborg, Oliver Garcia, Hanny Gehring, Frank Jakob Grob, Marina Hauser, Peter Hauser, Susanne Hauser, Nicole Hoesli, Mark Hofstetter, Susan Honegger, Johannes Hoppensack, Andrea Iten, Ruth Jenny-Baruffol, Elsbeth Kuchen, Karri Kuoppala, Muriel Kuoppala, Dafi Kühne, Chris Pierre Labüsch, Leto, Jack Leuzinger
Friday, November 25, 2016, 07.00 PM
Zum Ende der Ausstellung kommentiert Thomas Julier Hunter in the Void mit einer temporären Modifikation, welche die bestehenden Installationen ergänzt
14.39-20.00 Uhr /19.00 Uhr Einführung und Bar
Wednesday, November 23, 2016, 03.00 PM
Thursday, November 10, 2016, 06.00 PM
Friday, November 4, 2016, 07.00 PM
Thursday, October 6, 2016, 05.00 PM
Thursday, September 22, 2016, 06.00 PM
Saturday, September 3, 2016, 06.00 PM
Saturday, August 20, 2016, 06.00 PM
Zum Ende der Ausstellung Every Cell Is a Bell von Shana Moulton laden wir herzlich ein zum Sommerfest mit Grill, Drinks und Kino.
17.00 Uhr: Führung mit Judith Welter
Ab 18.00 Uhr: Grill von Raffael Müller und Bar
Anschliessend (bei Dämmerung) Open-Air-Kino mit Walt Disney's Fantasia (1940)
Fantasia (1940) wurde Ende der 1960er Jahre zum Kultfilm und visuellen Aushängeschild einer Generation, die mit bewusstseinserweiternden Drogen experimentierte und alles Psychedelische kultivierte. Shana Moultons halluzinatorischen Bildwelten und ihr serieller, clipartiger Erzählfluss verweisen unter anderem auf diesen Kultfilm – wie auch auf weitere Referenzen aus der amerikanischen Fernseh- und Kinowelt. Zum Sommerausklang zeigen wir den Film bei schönem Wetter im Vorhof des Kunsthauses.
Parallel zum Sommerfest findet in der Gepäckausgabe ab 18.00 Uhr die Finissage der Ausstellung Im Phasenraum von Tamara Hauser mit einem Konzert von Laura Livers statt.
Saturday, August 20, 2016, 05.00 PM
Sunday, June 26, 2016, 02.00 PM
Wednesday, June 15, 2016, 02.00 PM
Cynthia lebt in einer bunten Welt voller wundersamen Dingen, in der Hosen ohne Beine gehen können, in der sich Schubladen von alleine öffnen. Cynthia fliegt zum Fenster hinaus oder geht durch Wände. Die Videos und Installationen von Shana Moultons aktueller Ausstellung im Kunsthaus Glarus kreisen um die Erlebnisse der Figur Cynthia ¯ dargestellt von der Künstlerin selbst.
Wir tauchen in ihr phantastisches Universum ein, lassen uns inspirieren und gestalten eine eigene kleine Wunderwelt.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Bei Gruppen von mehr als 10 Kindern sind wir dankbar um eine Anmeldung an:
Mit Iris Brugger, Kunstvermittlerin
Sunday, May 22, 2016, 02.00 PM
Saturday, May 21, 2016, 06.00 PM
Sunday, May 8, 2016, 03.30 PM
In Terrace, 40 mins.
Sunday, May 1, 2016, 12.30 PM
Nach der diesjährigen Landsgemeinde servieren wir im Foyer des Kunsthaus Glarus das traditionelle Landsgemeinde-Menu zubereitet von Raffael Müller.
Landsgemeinde-Menu Fr. 25.- pro Person inkl. Eintritt in die Ausstellung (vegetarisches Menu auf Anfrage)
Mehr Infos zur Landsgemeinde-Abstimmung: Das Kunsthaus Glarus muss saniert werden
Saturday, April 30, 2016, 02.00 PM
Sich von ausgewählten Bildern aus der Sammlung des Glarner Kunstvereins und von der Architektur des Kunsthauses im buchstäblichen Sinn bewegen zu lassen, ist Ziel unseres Nachmittags. Entdecken Sie mit der Glarner Künstlerin Lisa Eikrann, wie sich Kunst mit Leben füllt, wenn wir ihr für einmal nicht nur mit den Augen begegnen. Ausgangspunkt und Anstoss für dieses Experiment ist die performative Ausstellung Public Collection of Modern Art von Alexandra Pirici & Manuel Pelmuş. Wir werden uns die Performance gemeinsam ansehen und Fragen zu dieser Kunstform beantworten. Ein offener Nachmittag für alle, die performative Kunst nicht nur sehen sondern mit dem eigenen Körper ausprobieren wollen.
Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Erwachsene. Die Teilnahme ist mit Museumseintritt gratis.
Mit Ursula Helg, Kunstvermittlerin und Lisa Eikrann, Künstlerin
Friday, April 29, 2016, 07.00 PM
Selina Grüter & Michèle Graf (born 1991 and 1987 in Zurich, live and work in Zurich) make their friendship or the wider community generated by it both the subject and material basis of their work. Their performance practice, ever reflective of the aspect of performing, is based on the involvement of individuals from their immediate surroundings and examines the role of the individual within different communities and relationships. On Friday evening the second part of their performance, which was concipated for the exhbition, will be shown at the Kunsthaus Glarus. The resulting subjective video documentation by Ramaya Tegegne will subsequently be shown as part of their installation until the end of the exhibition. Cyber and Victory - An Incorporation for 5 Characters and Voice is performed by Niria Frey, Michèle Graf, Selina Grüter, Daniel Keller and Elena Nyffeler.
Ramaya Tegegne (born 1985 in Geneva, lives and works in Geneva) explores the intangible factors of art production in her work often based on text and art historical references. She examines, for instance, the function of gossip and the role of friendships in artistic networks. With Version #18: Adrian Piper (2016) Ramaya Tegegne continues her series of bootlegs of performances by other artists. It is based on the documentation Shiva Dances with the Art Institute of Chicago (2004) of a lecture by Adrian Piper. For her it is imperative that our opinions, discourses, and analyses be refined, many-sided and subtle. She thus invites us to experience the complexity and particularity of any one thing, any one person, any one experience through bodily sensations.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 02.00 PM
Siehst du das gelbe Ungeheuer vor dem blauen Hintergrund? Weißt du, was es denkt? Ist es traurig oder fröhlich? Hast du eine Ahnung, wie es sich im Raum bewegt? Hörst du, welche Geräusche es dabei macht? Dies alles wollen wir gemeinsam mit der Glarner Künstlerin Lisa Eikrann herausfinden. Sie zeigt uns, wie aus Linien, Farben, Formen und Klecksen Bewegungen und Töne entstehen können und wie es sich anfühlt, wenn wir uns selbst in ein Vogeltier verwandeln. Zuallererst aber werden wir uns in den Räumen des Kunsthauses eine Performance ansehen.
Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Kinder mit oder ohne Begleitung. Die Teilnahme ist gratis.
Mit Ursula Helg, Kunstvermittlerin und Lisa Eikrann, Künstlerin
Wednesday, March 30, 2016, 02.00 PM
Sunday, March 13, 2016, 02.00 PM
Saturday, February 13, 2016, 06.00 PM
Performance Selina Grüter & Michèle Graf, Steitsek (Veit Laurent Kurz/Stefan Tcherepnin/Jan Vorisek)