Kunsthaus Glarus provides a platform for the presentation of Swiss and international contemporary art and the collections of Glarner Kunstverein as well as regional artistic production. Since the mid-1990s, Kunsthaus Glarus has made a name for itself within the Swiss museum landscape and on the international art scene with incisive presentations of contemporary art positions and has become, despite its peripheral location, an important hub for contemporary Swiss art. Kunsthaus Glarus focuses in particular on following the creative output of a younger generation of artists who have not yet or have rarely shown in institutional contexts in Switzerland. Swiss artists who are well-known today, including Urs Fischer, Mathis Gasser, Raphael Hefti, Ugo Rondinone, Kilian Rüthemann or Vanessa Safavi, had their first solo exhibitions at Kunsthaus Glarus. The first-time presentations of international positions within the institutional framework in Switzerland have also been possible, including Daphne Ahlers, Maja Bajevic, Nina Beier, Bonnie Camplin, Helen Chadwick, Jay Chung und Q Takeki Maeda, Peter Doig, Hélène Fauquet, Sophie Gogl, Shana Moulton, Marlie Mul, Nicole Wermers, Bri Williams, or Yorgos Sapountizis. 

The exhibitions prioritize the development of new works. In so doing, Kunsthaus Glarus fulfils an important function at the intersection between smaller exhibition spaces and larger institutions and supports the development of emerging artistic positions and their combinations. Solo exhibitions at Kunsthaus Glarus offer many artists the opportunity to create new series of works and often mark an important stage in the early careers of artists. On occasion, new works are also developed with established artists whose works and contexts continue to be relevant for a younger generation as well as current social issues.

As the only major art institution in the Canton of Glarus, the Kunsthaus is also responsible for the artistic heritage of the region and is continuously building bridges between contemporary positions and works from the collection of Glarner Kunstverein. In addition, exhibitions based on the Glarner Kunstverein collection are also shown in parallel with presentations of contemporary art. Once a year there is an exhibition focusing on the Glarus art scene. The traditional unjuried annual exhibition alternates with a thematic or juried exhibition that takes place every two years. 


Directors since 1992:

1992-1995 Annette Schindler

1996-2001 Beatrix Ruf

2001-2007 Nadia Schneider Willen

2008-2015 Sabine Rusterholz Petko

2015-2021 Judith Welter

2021- Melanie Ohnemus

Kunsthaus Glarus
GL 2016 05 09 KunsthausGlarus PANO test
Photography: Heimatschutz Schweiz/Christoph Oeschger
 Kunsthaus Glarus
GL 2016 05 09 KunsthausGlarus Aussen 2
Photography: Heimatschutz Schweiz/Christoph Oeschger
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