
Puppies Puppies. Jade Guanaro Kuriki-Olivo, 2024

On the occasion of Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivo) – I’m Jade. I’m a trans woman trans womxn trans femme two spirit human being. Life feels long even though it hasn’t been all that long. A brain tumor surgically removed, getting divorced, losing my dad, brain tumor resurgence scare, starting hormone replacement therapy, experiencing sexual assault and rape multiple times and coming out as a woman. This exhibition is a roller coaster of the emotions feelings but also thoughts connections that happened over this span of time... only a little more than a decade. This exhibition covers the span of Puppies Puppies to Jade. It’s hard to get up each morning. My heart aches but I’m happy to be a woman. I’ll try my best to enjoy life even though society makes it difficult. From dust to dust I am but a speck on this planet and I wonder how to use this short life of mine. Trying not to let my trauma take over but still be kind to yourself Jade. This is the end of a decade • a new way of working coming soon. Sincerely, Jade Kuriki Olivo, Kunsthaus Glarus, June 6.- August 22, 2021. Edited by Rose Bouthillier, Courtenay Finn, and Judith Welter, with texts and contributions by Puppies Puppies (Jade Guanaro Kuriki-Olivo), Rose Bouthillier, Courtenay Finn, Chris Y. Lew, bobbi salvor menuez, Ren Light pan, Kelsey Lu, Lexii Fox, A.i.R. (Alethia Rael), Forrest, and Tenzing Barshee, published by moCa Cleveland, Remai Modern, and Kunsthaus Glarus, 2024. English, spiral bound, numerous color images, 12 x 9.5 inches, 426 pages. Designed by Morcos Key. ISBN: 978-3-906538-37-2

CHF40.00 (excl. VAT)

KG heft 14 978 3 906538 43 3 Cover

(014) On the occasion of ... John Miller, 2024

On the occasion of John Miller, The Ruin of Exchange, Kunsthaus Glarus, July 14-November 24, 2024. Edited by Kunsthaus Glarus, Interview with John Miller by Melanie Ohnemus, German/English, booklet, 15 x 21 cm, 28 pages. ISBN: 978-3-906538-43-3

CHF10.00 (excl. VAT)

KG heft 13 978 3 906538 42 6 Cover

(013) On the occasion of ... Jay Chung & Q Takeki Maeda, 2024

On the occasion of Jay Chung & Q Takeki Maeda, GNOMONS 髀, Kunsthaus Glarus, July 14-November 24, 2024. Edited by Kunsthaus Glarus, Interview with Jay Chung & Q Takeki Maeda by John Beeson, German/English, booklet, 15 x 21 cm, 20 pages. ISBN: 978-3-906538-42-6

CHF10.00 (excl. VAT)

KG heft 12 MFS 978 3 906538 41 9 VIEW FINAL Cover

(012) On the occasion of ... Megan Francis Sullivan, 2024

On the occasion of Megan Francis Sullivan, Wolkenstudie, Kunsthaus Glarus, March 3 - June 30, 2024. Edited by Kunsthaus Glarus, interview with Megan Francis Sullivan by Melanie Ohnemus, German/English, booklet, 15 x 21 cm, 20 pages. ISBN: 978-3-906538-40-2

CHF10.00 (excl. VAT)

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(011) On the occasion of ... Emanuel Rossetti, 2024

On the occasion of Emanuel Rossetti, Stimmung, Kunsthaus Glarus, March 3.-June 6.2024. Herausgegeben von Kunsthaus Glarus, Interview with Emanuel Rossetti by Melanie Ohnemus, German/English, booklet, 15 x 21 cm, 24 pages. ISBN: 978-3-906538-41-9

CHF10.00 (excl. VAT)

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Daphne Ahlers. Die Würflerin, 2023

On the occasion of the exhibition Daphne Ahlers, Die Würflerin, May 29 - August 21, 2022. Edited by Melanie Ohnemus, with texts by Laura McLean-Ferris and Julija Zaharijević, English, softcover, 24 x 24 cm, 80 pages, published with Mousse Publishing. Design by Vela Arbutina. ISBN 978-3-906538-34-1. 

CHF27.00 (excl. VAT)


On the occasion of ... Steven Warwick, 2023

On the occasion of Steven Warwick, Catch my Grift, 2023, a performative lecture on June 11, 2023. On the occasion of the exhibition Sophie Gogl, Die knusprige Nichte, Kunsthaus Glarus, 2023. English, booklet, 21.5 x 31 cm, 5 pages. ISBN 978-3-906538-35-8

Order on demand

CHF30.00 (excl. VAT)

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(008) On the occasion of ... Karen Kilimnik, 2023

On the occasion of Karen Kilimnik, Swan Lake, Kunsthaus Glarus, February 26 - May 25, 2023. Edited by Kunsthaus Glarus, conversation between Sabrina Tarasoff and Melanie Ohnemus, German/English, booklet, 15 x 21 cm, 30 pages. ISBN: 978-3-906538-33-4

CHF10.00 (excl. VAT)

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(007) On the occasion of ... Sophie Gogl, 2023

On the occasion of Sophie Gogl, Die knusprige Nichte, Kunsthaus Glarus, February 26 - May 25, 2023. Edited by Kunsthaus Glarus, interview with Sophie Gogl by Melanie Ohnemus, German/English, booklet, 15 x 21 cm, 32 pages. ISBN: 978-3-906538-32-7

CHF10.00 (excl. VAT)

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Greta Leuzinger, 2023

On the occasion of Collection: Greta Leuzinger, Kunsthaus Glarus, September 4, 2022 to February 5, 2023. Edited by Kunsthaus Glarus, with texts and drawings by Greta Leuzinger and an accompanying text by Ruth Kobelt Jenny, German, booklet, 21 x 30 cm, 15 pages. Designed by Anna Lena von Helldorff. ISBN 978-3-906538-31-0 

Reduced price of Fr. 20.00 for members of the Glarus Art Association.

CHF22.00 (excl. VAT)

KG heft 06 LL ISBN 978 3 906538 30 3 FRONT

(006) On the occasion of ... Laura Langer, 2022

On the occasion of Laura Langer, Headlines, Kunsthaus Glarus September 4 - November 27, 2022. Edited by Kunsthaus Glarus, interview with Laura Langer by Melanie Ohnemus, German/English, booklet, 15 x 21 cm, 24 pages. ISBN: 978-3-906538-30-3

CHF10.00 (excl. VAT)

KG heft 05 SK ISBN 978 3 906538 29 7 FRONT

(005) On the occasion of ... Silvia Kolbowski, 2022

On the occasion of Silvia Kolbowski, Who will save us?Kunsthaus Glarus September 4 – November 27, 2022. Edited by Kunsthaus Glarus, interview with Silvia Kolbowski by Melanie Ohnemus, German/English, booklet, 15 x 21 cm, 24 pages. ISBN: 978-3-906538-30-3

CHF5.00 (excl. VAT)

KG heft 04 NW ISBN 978 3 906538 28 0 FRONT

(004) On the occasion of ... Nicole Wermers, 2022

On the occasion of Nicole Wermers, Reclining Fanmail, Kunsthaus Glarus May 29 – August 21, 2022. Edited by Kunsthaus Glarus, interview with Nicole Wermers by Melanie Ohnemus, German/English, booklet, 15 x 21 cm, 28 pages. ISBN: 978-3-906538-28-0

CHF10.00 (excl. VAT)

KG heft 03 DA ISBN 978 3 906538 27 3 FRONT

(003) On the occasion of ... Daphne Ahlers, 2022

On the occasion of Daphne Ahlers, Die Würflerin, Kunsthaus Glarus May 29 – August 21, 2022. Edited by Kunsthaus Glarus, interview with Daphne Ahlers by Melanie Ohnemus, German/English, booklet, 15 x 21 cm, 36 pages. ISBN: 978-3-906538-27-3


CHF10.00 (excl. VAT)

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(002) On the occasion of ... Blumen in Vasen, 2022

On the occasion of Blumen in Vasen, Kunsthaus Glarus February 20 – May 15, 2022. Edited by Kunsthaus Glarus, interview with Melanie Ohnemus by Dario Wokurka, German/English, booklet, 15 x 21 cm, 52 pages. ISBN: 978-3-906538-26-6

CHF10.00 (excl. VAT)

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Sam Pulitzer. The Premise of a Better Life, 2022

On the occasion of Sam Pulitzer. The Premise of a Better Life, Kunsthaus Glarus 27.10.2019–01.01.2020. Edited by Kunsthaus Glarus and After 8 Books, German/English, hardcover, 17 x 22 cm, 57 color photographs, 128 pages.  ISBN: 978-3-906538-26-6

CHF30.00 (excl. VAT)

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(001) On the occasion of ... Romane Chabrol, 2022

On the occasion of Romane Chabrol, L’Étang de rien, Kunsthaus Glarus, February 20 - May 15, 2022. Edited by Kunsthaus Glarus, interview with Romane Chabrol by Melanie Ohnemus, German/English, booklet, 15 x 21 cm, 30 pages. ISBN: 978-3-906538-25-9

CHF10.00 (excl. VAT)


Caroline Bachmann – 58 av. J.-C., 2020

Catalogue on the occasion of the exhibition Caroline Bachmann – 58 av. J.-C., 2020, ed. by Kunsthaus Glarus, with texts by Fabrice Stroun, Didier Semin and Judith Welter, 18 pages, 7 images, in German, French and English.

CHF5.00 (excl. VAT)

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Jan Vorisek – Image Distortion Continuum, 2020

Booklet on the occasion of the exhibition Jan Vorisek – Collapse Poem, 2020, ed. by Kunsthaus Glarus, 30 pages, in English.

CHF5.00 (excl. VAT)


Birgit Megerle - The Painted Veil, 2019

Catalogue on the occasion of the exhibition Birgit Megerle - The Painted Veil, 2017, ed. by Kunsthaus Glarus, with texts by Isabelle Graw & Judith Welter, 88 pages, 47 (32 color) images, in German and English.

Koenig books, London

CHF28.00 (excl. VAT)


Kunsthaus Glarus: Form – Raum – Umbau, 2019

Publication on the occasion of the opening of the renovated Kunsthaus Glarus in fall 2019, by Conen Sigl Architekten, designed by Studio Martin Stoecklin, photographs by Roman Keller

Efa - Energie für alle, efa.digital.com

CHF20.00 (excl. VAT)

Kunstpreis 2018 Cover

Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2018, 2018

Catalogue on the occasion of the exhibition Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2018ed. by Kiefer Hablitzel Stiftung, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, with texts by Tenzing Barshee, Francesca Brusa, Manischa Eichwalder, Giovanna Gattlen, Ser Serpas, Geraldine Tedder, Simon Thompson and Judith Welter, 96 pages, in color.

VfmK Verlag für moderne Kunst, Wien

CHF25.00 (excl. VAT)

IMG 2090

Nina Beier, Cash for Gold, 2016

Publication on the occasion of the exhibition Cash for Gold (2015), Kunstverein in Hamburg, published by Kunstverein in Hamburg, Bettina Steinbrügge, Mousse Publishing, Stefano Cernuschi, in conjunction with Kunsthaus Glarus, Sabine Rusterholz Petko and Judith Welter. Edited by Bettina Steinbrügge and Alexander Scrimgeour. With texts by Karen Archey, Laura McLean-Ferris, John Miller, Post Brothers, Dieter Roelstraete, Chris Sharp, Bettina Steinbrügge, Alexander Scrimgeour and Ana Texeira Pinto. 152 pages, in color. 

Mousse Publishing, Milan, 2016

CHF35.00 (excl. VAT)

saadane afif ici la bas low1

Saâdane Afif, Ici. / Là-bas, 2016

Publication on the occasion of the exhibitions Saâdane Afif – Là-bas (Kunsthaus Glarus, 2014), Ici (Leopold-Hoesch-Museum & Papiermuseum Düren, 2014) and La-bas (8. Berlin Biennale für zeitgenössische Kunst, 2014). Ed. by Günther-Peill-Stiftung, Leopold-Hoesch-Museum & Papiermusem Düren, Kunsthaus Glarus. With texts by Federica Bueti & Jan Verwoert, Diedrich Diedrichsen, Ryan Gander, Sabine Rusterholz Petko and Rein Wolfs. 104 pages, in color

Spector Books, Leipzig, 2016

CHF28.00 (excl. VAT)

Martin Beck


Publication on the occasion of the exhibition Last Night, Kunsthaus Glarus, Ed. by Christina von Rotenhan and Sabine Rusterholz Petko, with an interview by Chr. von Rotenhan and Martin Beck, 72 pages, color

Archive Books, Berlin

CHF25.00 (excl. VAT)

unter 30 X 2015 cover

Unter 30 XI. Junge Schweizer Kunst. Kiefer Hablitzel Preis, 2015

Catalogue on the occasion of the exhibition Unter 30 XI. Junge Schweizer Kunst. Kiefer Hablitzel Preis 2015, ed. by Kiefer Hablitzel Stiftung, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, with texts by on Marcel Bleuler, Jean-Paul Felley, Séverine Fromaigeat, Daniel Horn, David Khalat, Claudia Spinelli & Rolf Bismarck, Geraldine Tedder und Sarah Wiesendanger, 120 pages, in color.

VfmK Verlag für moderne Kunst, Wien

CHF25.00 (excl. VAT)

Luca Frei

Luca Frei. Thursday followed Wednesday and Tuesday followed Monday…, 2014

Publication on the occasion of the exhibitions The Fifth Business (Bonner Kunstverein, 2012) and Thursday followed… (Kunsthaus Glarus, 2013), Ed. Fanny Gonella, Christina von Rotenhan, Sabine Rusterholz Petko, texts by Will Holder, Santiago García Navarro, Hans Rudolf Reust, Gertrud Sandqvist, Grant Watson and Carla Zaccagnini, Kunsthaus Glarus, 80 pages, color.

Spector Books, Leipzig,

CHF30.00 (excl. VAT)

IMG 1528

Robert Kinmont, 2013

Publication on the occasion of the exhibition Listen, with an interview of Robert Kinmont and Aoife Rosenmeyer and texts by Alexandra Blättler, Stefanie Böttcher, Sabine Rusterholz Petko, Kunsthaus Glarus, Künstlerhaus Bremen, 80 pages, English/German, s/w

Mousse Publishing, Milano, 

CHF25.00 (excl. VAT)

Daniel Gustav Cramer


Artist publication on the occasion of the exhibition Works, Kunsthaus Glarus, 32 pages, colour

CHF12.00 (excl. VAT)

IMG 1513

Unter 30 VIII. Junge Schweizer Kunst Kiefer Hablitzel Preis 2012, 2012

Exhibition catalogue Kunsthaus Glarus, with texts by Dolores Denaro, Pablo Müller, Maja Wismer, ed. by Kiefer Hablitzel Foundation, Ernst Göhner Foundation, 112 pages, color.

Verlag für Moderne Kunst, Nürnberg

CHF30.00 (excl. VAT)


huber.huber. Universen, 2011

Artist book, with a text by Sabine Rusterholz Petko, Kunsthaus Glarus, Zürich, 270 pages, color.

Edition Patrick Frey, Zürich

CHF78.00 (excl. VAT)

Vanessa Safavi

Vanessa Safavi. Blind Traveller, 2011

Artist book, published on the occasion of the exhibitions Between a Tree and a Plastic Chair, Galerie Chert, 2010 and Resorts, Kunsthaus Glarus, 2011, with a text by Sabine Rusterholz Petko and an e-mail-dialogue between Vanessa Safavi and Jennifer Chert, Chert & Kunsthaus Glarus, Berlin/Glarus, 32 pages, color

CHF18.00 (excl. VAT)

IMG 1527

Kilian Rüthemann. Double Rich, 2010

Exhibition catalogue Kunsthaus Glarus, Istituto Svizzero di Roma, Kunstmuseum Basel, Museum für Gegenwartskunst, with a text by Adam Szymczyk, 27 pages cardboard, color, 11 pages text inla.

Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern

CHF45.00 (excl. VAT)

Archiv Peter Piller. Zeitung, 2007

Exhibition Catalogue Salzburger Kunstverein, Kunsthalle Hamburg, Kunsthaus Glarus, 320 Seiten, z.T. in Farbe.

Christoph Keller Editions

CHF110.00 (excl. VAT)

David Thorpe

David Thorpe. The Defeated Life Restored, 2007

Ausstellungskatalog Camden Arts Centre, Kunsthaus Glarus, Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Hrsg. Camden Arts Centre, London, 64 Seiten, in Farbe.

CHF48.00 (excl. VAT)

IMG 1512

Gary Webb. Mirage of Loose Change, 2007

Kunsthaus Glarus in Zusammenarbeit mit Centre d’Art contemporain, Genève und LeConsortium, Dijon, Edition Franck Gautherot, Jake Miller, Mike Allen, 176 Seiten, in Farbe.

Les presses du réel, Dijon

CHF42.00 (excl. VAT)

Markus Muller

Markus Müller. Nutzen und Nachteil, 2006

Mit einem Interview von Nadia Schneider mit Markus Müller und Textbeiträgen von Claudia Blümle und Tan Wälchli, 88 Seiten, in Farbe.

edition fink, Zürich

CHF42.00 (excl. VAT)

Susanne Hauser

Susanne Hauser. Flachräume, 2006

Mit einem Text von Nadia Schneider, 32 Seiten, in Farbe.

 Heenemann, Berlin

CHF20.00 (excl. VAT)

Annelise Coste

Annelise Coste. Poemabout, 2005

Ausstellungskatalog LOIN LOIN LOIN, Kunsthaus Glarus und CONTRE LA SATURATION DU VISIBLE, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart, 70 Seiten, in Farbe, mit Textbeilage.

Edition Patrick Frey, Zürich

CHF48.00 (excl. VAT)

Jim Shaw

Jim Shaw. -O- , 2004

Ausstellungskatalog Le Magasin, Centre National d’Art Contemporain, Grenoble, und Kunsthaus Glarus, Glarus, Hrsg. Fabrice Stroun, Lionel Bovier, 64 Seiten in Farbe.

Verlag JRP/Ringier AG

CHF45.00 (excl. VAT)

Fink Forward

FINK FORWARD— the collection/connection, 2003

Catalogue, 223 pages, black and white, 2003, several authors, Kunsthaus Glarus, edition fink, Verlag für zeitgenössische Kunst, Zürich

CHF48.00 (excl. VAT)

echanges Frederic Post

Fréderic Post , 2003

Catalouge of the exhibition series échanges, Kunsthaus Glarus, Schweizerischer Kunstverein, 40 pages, color.

Schwabe Verlag, Basel

CHF18.00 (excl. VAT)

Hanspeter Hofmann

Hanspeter Hofmann. Supercritical Fluids, 2003

Kunsthaus Glarus, Revolver Verlag, Frankfurt, 99 Seiten, in Farbe

CHF38.00 (excl. VAT)

Kaser Hotz

Ingrid Käser & Katrin Hotz. Weisse Berge – Damit der Blick ins Leere stürzt, 2003

Kunsthaus Glarus und Eternit AG, 94 Seiten, s/w, A6

CHF15.00 (excl. VAT)

Julika Rudelius

Julika Rudelius. You can't stay in the 80s wearing cowboy boots while the whole world progresses, 2003

Catalogue, 30 pages color, Hrsg.: Nadia Schneider, Kunsthaus Glarus

CHF12.00 (excl. VAT)

Manuel Stagars

Manuel Stagars. Treasures and Adventures, 2003

Treasures and Adventures, Musik für eine Ausstellung, 2003, Hrsg. Christoph Lichtin und Kunsthaus Glarus, edition fink, Zürich (inkl. Music-CD)

CHF28.00 (excl. VAT)

Andreas Dobler

Andreas Dobler, 2002

Catalogue, Argovian Sun, 256 pages, colour, with insert sheets, Kunsthaus Glarus and Edition Patrick Frey, Zürich

CHF58.00 (excl. VAT)

Graeme Todd

Greaeme Todd, 2002

Catalogue, Space is Deep, 64 pages, colour, Kunsthaus Glarus and Chirstoph Merian Verlag

CHF28.00 (excl. VAT)

Angela Bulloch

Angela Bulloch, 2001

Katalog Pixel Book, 24 pages, coloured
ISBN 3-906538-04-4, M8 Labor für Gestaltung, Berlin

CHF20.00 (excl. VAT)

Knut Asdam

Knut Asdam, 2001

Katalog Wide Screen, 80 pages, coloured, Wide Screen, Odense, Denmark
ISBN 3-906538-02-8, 2001

CHF28.00 (excl. VAT)

Monica Bonvici

Monica Bonvicini, 2001

Calendar, WE LIKE YOUR APPARTEMENT!, 14 sheets, coloured, 50x60 cm
ISBN 3-906538-03-6, 2001

CHF46.00 (excl. VAT)

Nicole Boninger

Nicole Böninger, 2001

Catalogue, 24 pages, coloured, Print: Spälty Druck AG, Glarus

CHF10.00 (excl. VAT)

Daniel Roth

Daniel Roth, 2000

Das linke Bein des Offiziers, 56 pages, coloured, ISBN 2-940271-06-2, Kunsthaus Glarus, 2000

CHF28.00 (excl. VAT)


Muntean/Rosenblum, 2000

Dominic Molon and Beatrix Ruf, catalogue, SECESSION Vienna, "Where else"
72 pages, coloured, ISBN 3-901926-20-8, Secession Wien and Kunsthaus Glarus, February 2000

CHF28.00 (excl. VAT)

Peter Land

Peter Land, 2000

Katalog, Hatie Cantz, 143 pages, coloured
ISBN 3-7757-9056-X, Hatije Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern-Ruit, 2000

CHF48.00 (excl. VAT)

Time WAste Radio Cookie

TIME WASTE Radio Cookie, 2000

Urs Fischer, catalogue, Edition Unikate Zürich, 105 pages, coloured, text supplement
ISBN 3-908617-11-1st Edition Unikate Zürich and Kunsthaus Glarus 2000

CHF48.00 (excl. VAT)

echanges Paul Aymar Mourges dAlgue

echanges Paul-Aymar Mourgue d'Algue, 1999

32 pages, Kunsthaus Glarus/Schweizerischer Kunstverein/Pro Helvetia 1999

CHF15.00 (excl. VAT)

Liam Gillick

Liam Gillick, 1999

Calendar August 1999-July 2000, 12 sheets, four-coloured, 15cm x 29 cm, Kunsthaus Glarus July 1999

CHF20.00 (excl. VAT)

Ugo Rondinone

Ugo Rondinone- Guided by Voices, 1999

Ugo Rondinone/Jan Avgikos/Beatrix Ruf, Jan Winkelmann. 170 pages illustrated book
Cantz Verlag, October 1999 Kunsthaus Glarus and Gallery for Contemporary Art Leipzig

CHF48.00 (excl. VAT)

Viereck und Kosmos

Viereck und Kosmos, 1999

Roman Kurzmeyer, artist, life reformer, occultist and spiritualist in Amden 1901-1912,
264 pages, 80 illustrations, ISBN 3-211-83371-4, 1999 Edition voldemeer, Springer Vienna New York

CHF45.00 (excl. VAT)

Olaf Breuning

Olaf Breuning, 1998

Beatrix Ruf dt./engl. 32 pages, 17 colour illustrations, ISBN 3-906538-00-1, Kunsthaus Glarus 1998, Kunst-Kalender 1998

CHF15.00 (excl. VAT)

Patrick Rohner

Patrick Rohner, 1998

Roland Wäspe/Konrad Bitterli/Peter Krebs, 56 pages, 7 b/w und 15 colour illustrations
ISBN 3-906662-23-3 Kunstmuseum St. Gallen und Kunsthaus Glarus 1998

CHF30.00 (excl. VAT)

Roland Herzog Balsam

Roland Herzog, Balsam, 1998

Beatrix Ruf, Anahita Krzyzanowski dt/engl., 47 pages/ 9 b/w und 26 colour illustrations
Andreas Züst Verlag ISBN 3-905328-901-1, Kunsthaus Glarus 1998

CHF28.00 (excl. VAT)

Zoe Leonard

Zoe Leonard- The 1998 Bearded Lady Caldendar, Starring Jennifer Müller, 1998

4 b/w und 2 colored calendar pages, Kunsthaus Glarus

CHF35.00 (excl. VAT)

Jakob Wach

Jakob Wäch (1893-1918): AUF EIN BILD HIN, 1997

Romand Kurzmeyer, 93 pages, 43 b/w und 10 colour illustrations
ISBN 3-87877-623-3 Stroemfeld Verlag (Roter Stern), Kunsthaus Glarus 1997

CHF28.00 (excl. VAT)

Monika Dillier

Monika Dillier, 1997

177 times great longing and great fear, 77 drawings, pen on paper
edition of 300 numbered and signed copies, 192x300 mm, ISBN 3-9090-25-7, Verlag vexer St. Gallen 1997

CHF30.00 (excl. VAT)


overdub, 1997

Anahita Kzyzanowski, 60 pages, 55 colour illustrations, Kunsthaus Glarus 1997

CHF23.00 (excl. VAT)

Paul Frohlich

Paul Fröhlich (1901 Ennenda-1939 Ascona), 1997

Susann wintsch und Annette Schindler, 48 pages, 67 b/w und 6 colour illustrations
ISBN 3-9520472-9-5 Kunsthaus Glarus 1997

CHF23.00 (excl. VAT)

bzw Sammlung Peter Elisabeth Bosshard

bzw. Sammlung Peter & Elisabeth Bosshard, 1996

Fotos: Annelies Strba und FBM Studio Zürich, Text: Peter Bosshard, Walter Lüssi, Annette Schindler.
Box with 32 farbigen cards, Kunsthaus Glarus 1996

CHF33.00 (excl. VAT)

Peter Doig

Peter Doig version, 1996

Beatrix Ruf dt/engl., 49 pages, 8 b/w und 33 colour illustrations, Kunsthaus Glarus 1999

CHF28.00 (excl. VAT)

Strategien der Kunst

Strategien der Kunst in den 90er Jahren, 1996

Box with contributions to Klöntaler Sommer 1996, Ursula Biemann, Christoph Büchel, Maurus Gmür, Klara Schillinger/Valerian Maly, Peter Spillmann, Kunsthaus Glarus 1996

CHF23.00 (excl. VAT)

IMG 1518

Kunst Glarus—Schweiz/ Art Glarus—Switzerland, 1995

Mit Texten von Kaspar Marti, Madeleine Schuppli, Susann Wintsch, 52 Seiten, 24 s/w-/ 9 Farbabbildungen, Publikation für New Glarus, Kunsthaus Glarus

CHF23.00 (excl. VAT)

alleine denken ist krimilnell

alleine denken ist kriminell-penser seul est criminel-thinking alone is criminal.chiarenza und hauser, 1995

Markus Landert, Annette Schindler. dt/frz/engl., 124 pages, 39 b/w und 44 colour illustrations
ISBN 3-7212-0186-8 Niggli Verlag AG Sulgen, Kunstmuseum des Kantons Thurgau und Kunsthaus Glarus 1995

CHF46.00 (excl. VAT)

IMG 1507

Die Sammlung Glarner Kunstverein, 1995

Mit Texten von Annette Schindler, Kaspar Marti-Kock, Fritz Weber-Worni, Beat Gähwiler u.a., Kunsthaus Glarus, 1995, 312 Seiten, 306 s/w-/ 70 Farbabbildungen

CHF58.00 (excl. VAT)

IMG 1505

Die Sammlung Gustav Schneeli, 1995

Mit einem Text von Irene Rehmann, Kunsthaus Glarus, 80 Seiten, 47 s/w-/ 19 Farbabbildungen

CHF23.00 (excl. VAT)

IMG 1506

Die Sammlung Othmar Huber, 1995

Mit Texten von Dr. Matthias Frehner, Prof. Peter Jenny, Dr. Hans Christoph von Tavel u.a., Kunsthaus Glarus, 192 Seiten, 86 s/w-/ 39 Farbabbildungen 

CHF38.00 (excl. VAT)

Simone.CH Wicki

Simone Ch. Wicki, 1995

kaba roessler, Maria Vogel, 24 pages, 27 b/w and 4 colour illustrations
ISBN 3-9520472-5-2 Kunsthaus Glarus 1995

CHF15.00 (excl. VAT)

0.073 ha Welt

0.073 ha Welt, 1994

Johann Gottfried Steffan (1815-1905), Münchner Künslterinnen und Künstler, Annette Schindler, Mirietta Schürholz, Madeleine Schuppli, 32 pages, 6 colour

CHF23.00 (excl. VAT)

Elbeth BoningerChristian Indermuhle

Elsbeth Böninger/Christian Indermühle, 1994

Johannes Gachnang, Gabrielle Boller, Charles Favrod, 30 pages, 16 colour illustrations
ISBN 3-9520472-2-8 Kunsthaus Glarus 1994

CHF23.00 (excl. VAT)

Elsbeth Kuchen Heureka

Elsbeth Kuchen, Heureka, 1994

kaba roessler, On the installation with 100 hay balls, a video recorder and 3 pixels, 20 pages, 11 b/w illustrations in CD box, Kunsthaus Glarus 1994

CHF15.00 (excl. VAT)

IMG 1503

Hans Leuzinger 1887-1971. Pragmatisch Modern, 1994

Reihe Dokumente zur modernen Schweizer Architektur, 163 Seiten, s/w, Kunsthaus Glarus, Büro art-ig, Verlag gta, 2. überarbeitete Auflage

CHF55.00 (excl. VAT)

Helen Chadwick Poesis

Helen Chadwick, Poesis, 1994

Dr. Silvia Eiblmayr, Herta Wilf dt/engl., 47 Seiten, 14 s/w und 10 Farbabbildungen, Salzburger Kunstverein und Kunsthaus Glarus 1994

CHF23.00 (excl. VAT)

Ueli Torgler

Ueli Torgler, 1994

Annette Schindler, Max Wechsler, 45 pages, 13 s/w images, Kunsthaus Glarus 1994

CHF15.00 (excl. VAT)

A la recherche du temps present

A la recherche du temps présent, 1993

Vincent Chablais, Lisa Schiess, Babette Berger, Rachel Mahler, Marianne Geiger, Alexandre Fischer, Simon Beer, René Racz, Pipilotti Rist, Text Esther MAria Jungo, Annette Schindler u.a. 3 volumes, 180 pages, 25 b/w und 13 colour, Schwabe und Co. AG Verlag, Kunsthaus Glarus 1993

CHF28.00 (excl. VAT)

Elisabeth ArpagausAndrea Wolfensberger

Elisabeth Arpagaus/Andrea Wolfensberger, 1993

Anette Schindler, Marietta Schürholz, 56 pages, 4 b/w and 13 colour, Kunsthaus Glarus

CHF23.00 (excl. VAT)

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