Public Tours

For current exhibitions we offer public tours with artists and staff members of Kunsthaus Glarus. The tour is free of charge.


Private Tours

For private events we offer tours or workshops through the exhibitions as well as in the Schaudepot. We are happy to compile a program for you in accordance to your ideas and wishes.
CHF 200 / guided tour (excl. entrance fee, plus additional items by arrangement)

+41 55 640 25 35

Guided Tour and Lunch

Once every exhibition, we invite you for an inspiring lunchtime tour through the exhibition, followed by lunch in the foyer of the Kunsthaus.

Entrance and lunch CHF 20
Reduced: CHF 15
Members: CHF 10
+41 55 640 25 35

View of the Collection

The collections of the Glarner Kunstverein, stored in the Schaudepot, can be accessed through events or guided tours. The discussion series ‘View of the Collection’ offers analysis of single works in exchange with various experts and visitors. Here you can gain insights into the structure of the collections and learn more about questions related to collecting in art-historical and practical perspectives.


Afternoon for Children

Art can change and shift views on the world. And how do we look at the exhibited works in the museum? Which hanging or installation would be ideal for children? In a series of ‘Afternoons for Children’, we will explore the Kunsthaus Glarus and its exhibitions in a playful way. This program is free of charge.


Introduction for Teachers

After touring the current exhibitions together, we will discuss potential connections and focal points for classes. For broadening the context we offer text and image material which can be used for preparatory or following lessons, The workshop will take into account LP21-formulated learning aims for classes in Bildnerisches Gestalten.


Guided Tours and School-Class Workshops

Art invites you to comprehend various forms of approaches in thinking and working methods. It asks you to question and reconfigure your own ways of seeing and thinking. Based on the particular exhibition’s thematic content and its accompanied questions, we develop art educational programs for students and teachers who can facilitate access to (contemporary) art and seek to promote independent and critical thinking and actions. The participants are encouraged to formulate and share their attitudes, ideas, and opinions. Informations on the works and pursuing references will supplement these perspectives, which will be expanded through practical art-informed explorations.

Suitable for students of all grades and secondary schools.

The visit lasts 90 minutes in total:
Exhibition tour (50 to 60 minutes), practical work (20 to 30 minutes), and joint conclusion (10 minutes).

The educational program is free of charge for school classes of Canton of Glarus. For guided tours and workshops with school-classes from other Cantons we charge CHF 150. The educational program of Kunsthaus Glarus is supported by Kamm-Bartel-Stiftung and Swisslos Kulturfonds Kanton Glarus. 


For appointments or questions please contact us: 
+41 55 640 25 35

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