Glarner Kunstverein is the parent organization of Kunsthaus Glarus. With a membership you not only support exhibition programming and operations at Kunsthaus Glarus but as a member of Glarner Kunstverein you also benefit from these advantages: free admission to all exhibitions and events and the opportunity to participate in specially organized events and excursions. Members also receive discounts on editions and the most current programming information at Kunsthaus Glarus.
With the membership card, all members enjoy free admission to our partner institutions, see below.

As a member of the Glarner Kunstverein, you will furthermore receive a subscription to the Kunstbulletin at a reduced rate. The Kunstbulletin is the most widely read art magazine in Switzerland and is published by the Swiss Art Association.
More information about the subscription


Become a Regular Member:

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Become a Member Patron

Become a patron and support the Kunsthaus as a private person, company, or institution with a patron contribution of CHF 500 or more.

As a patron you receive added benefits: Your name is mentioned in the annual report and you have the opportunity to participate in private guided group tours with Kunsthaus administrators. Patrons are mentioned as Kunsthaus Glarus supporters after personal consultation.

Are you interested? Contact us by email:


One-Time Donation

A one-time donation of any amount to Glarner Kunstverein is of course also possible.

Are you interested? Contact us by email:


Members and patrons receive with their membership card free admission to the following institutions:

Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau - Haus für Kunst Uri, Altdorf - Kunsthalle Basel - MACT/CACT Arte Contemporanea Ticino, Bellinzona - Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur - Fri-Art, Fribourg - Centre d’Art Contemporain, Genève - Kunsthaus Glarus - Halle für Kunst, e.V. Lüneburg (D) - Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz - CAN / Centre d’Art, Neuchâtel - Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen - Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen- Kunstmuseum St. Gallen - Städtische Ausstellungen im Lagerhaus, St. Gallen - Kunstmuseum Thun - Kunstmuseum Thurgau und Kartause Ittingen, Warth - Kunstmuseum Winterthur - Kunsthalle Zürich - Shedhalle, Zürich - Kunsthaus Zug

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