The Glarner Kunstverein was founded in 1970 and is the parent organization of Kunsthaus Glarus and sees itself as an art educator. With its activities it seeks to better acquaint an interested public with art – contemporary art in particular – as well as stimulate the creation of art in the Canton of Glarus. One of the Kunstverein’s addition goals is to nurture the important heritage of visual art for the Canton of Glarus by maintaining and expanding its art collections. The director, appointed by the Kunstverein, is responsible for the national and international exhibition program.

In addition to exhibitions at Kunsthaus Glarus, Glarner Kunstverein presents exhibitions by regional artists in other localities.


Kaspar Marti, Engi (President)
Susanne Jenny Wiederkehr, Ziegelbrücke (Vicepresident)
Fred Jaumann, Glarus
Bernard Liechti, Ennenda/Zürich
Bernadette Meli Sbriz, Glarus
Nadine Spielmann, Zürich
Christoph Zimmermann, Schwändi

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