22.5. – 21.8.2016

Am Waldrand – Works from the collections of the Glarner Kunstverein

The forest edge is the border crossing and dividing line between psychedelically luxuriant thickets, open clearings, and urban zones; between form and form disintegration. The exhibition brings together works from the collections of the Glarner Kunstverein in loose, formal, and associative relationships, which in various ways communicate a game of contrasts and at times even function as civilizing left-overs. 

Curated by Kathrin Bentele und Judith Welter

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KHGlarus AmWaldrand 2016 06 MG 2892
Exhibition view: Am Waldrand, 2016; Photo: Gunnar Meier
KHGlarus AmWaldrand 2016 06 MG 2901
Exhibition view: Am Waldrand, 2016; Photo: Gunnar Meier
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