4.12.2005 – 15.1.2006

Kunstschaffen Glarus und Linthgebiet I-Q 2005

Oberplus Artgenosserei (Sonja Oberer / Andreas Plüss), Andrea Iten, Bruno Jakober, Daeny Jungkind, Lisbeth Juon-Fluri, Matthias Käser, Heidi Käsermann, Edy Kieser, Daniel Kistler, Sonja Kopf, Nicole Krebs, Elsbeth Kuchen, Edith Landolt, Greta Leuzinger, Patrick Lo, Giudice Inés Lusti-Ferreyra, Martha Majhensek, Jean Marin, Marianne Magnabosco Menzi, Lotte Müggler, Kurt Mühlbauer, Andreas Müller Müller-Emil, Ruedi Müller, Rico Nart, Giacomo Nizzardo, Pat Noser, Eva Oertli, Liisa Oeschger, Rahel Opprecht, Jacky Orler

4.12.2005 – 15.1.2006

Susanne Hauser Fokus-Preis 2005

28.10. – 29.10.2005

Nondeleted 2 - die nicht gelöschten Bilder

19.10. – 20.11.2005

Favorite Pictures from the Collection: A Selection by Elisabeth Dahler

11.9. – 16.10.2005

Favorite Pictures from the Collection: A Selection by Antoinette Rast-Eicher

11.9. – 20.11.2005

Recreating the Case

Alexandra Hopf, Isabelle Krieg, Fernando Ortega, Peter Regli, Julika Rudelius, Shahrzad

6.7. – 21.8.2005

Favorite Pictures from the Collection: A Selection by Vito Giorgio

22.5. – 3.7.2005

Favorite Pictures from the Collection: A Selection by Marianne und Fritz Kesselring

22.5. – 21.8.2005

Gary Webb Mirage of Loose Change

5.2. – 1.5.2005

Annelise Coste Loin loin loin

5.2. – 1.5.2005

A thousand and one Sheets of Paper. Works from the Graphical Collection of the Glarus Art Society Selected by Annelise Coste and Nadia Schneider

Martin Beck Ohne Titel ausgerissene Buchseite 2013
Throwback (selection): Martin Beck, Untitled, 2012. Torn book page. 28 x 20.5 cm. Courtesy the artist
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