8.12.2013 – 19.1.2014

Kunstschaffen Glarus und Linthgebiet I-Q 2013

Patrick Lo Guidice, Andrea Iten, Christina Jacober, KARIEL, Daniel Kistler, Armin Krättli, Nicole Krebs, Marianne Kubli, Martin Kubli, Elsbeth Kuchen, Pascale Küng / Katja Bruhin, Karri Kuoppala, Muriel Kuoppala, Peter Kuyper, Daniel Ledergeber, Jack Leuzinger, Ruth Malacarne, Bettina Mazzolini Mbenda, Andrea Meleleu-Dokoupilova, Joëlle Menzi, Corinne Merz, Siro Micheroli, Mohrgallati, Lotte Müggler, Müller-Emil, Andreas Müller, Andrea Maria Mutti, Paul Nievergelt, Giaccomo Nizzardo, Pat Noser, Maya Oswald, Ruth Oswald, Gian Franco Piatti, Emma Pinter, Elsa Quadri

8.12.2013 – 19.1.2014

Nicole Hoesli Fokus-Preis 2013

1.9. – 24.11.2013

Yorgos Sapountzis Urnerknabe am Schaufenster / Empathie

1.9. – 24.11.2013

Martin Beck Last Night

19.5. – 11.8.2013

Luca Frei Thursday Followed Wednesday and Tuesday Followed Monday and There Was Sunday and There Was Saturday and There Was Friday

10.2. – 5.5.2013

Adrien Missika A Walk in the Park

10.2. – 5.5.2013

Robert Kinmont Listen

10.2. – 5.5.2013

Rund um 47° N, 9° 0, über 800 m.ü.M.

Carl Andre, Albert Bosshard, Stanley Brouwn, Balthasar Burkhard, Hamish Fulton, Richard Long, Patrick Rohner, Balz Stäger, Johann Gottfried Steffan
Martin Beck Ohne Titel ausgerissene Buchseite 2013
Throwback (selection): Martin Beck, Untitled, 2012. Torn book page. 28 x 20.5 cm. Courtesy the artist
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