20.2. – 15.5.2022

Blumen in Vasen

Cuno Amiet, René Victor Auberjonois, Caroline Bachmann, Theodor Barth, Aimé Barraud, Pierre Bonnard, Louise Breslau, Wolfgang Breuer, Max Burgmeister, Plinio Colombi, Helen Dahm, Adolf Dietrich, Hans Dietzi, Franz Elmiger, Hans Emmenegger, Louis Eysen, Véronique Filozof Sandreuter, Arnold Fiechter, Guido Fischer, Augusto Giacometti, Werner Hartmann, Ernst Yohji Jaeger, Rudolf Löw, Charles Montag, Eugen Meister, Jean Morax, Haiggi Müller, Albert Neuenschwander, Fritz Paravicini, Odilon Redon, Ottilie W. Roederstein, Salvo, Hans Walter Scheller, Trudy Schlatter, Wilhelm Schmid, Rolf Schönenberger, Emanuel Schöttli, Kurt Schwitters, Niklaus Stoecklin, Johann von Tscharner, Félix Vallotton, Dario Wokurka, Giacomo Zanolari, Anna Iduna Zehnder, u.a.

Blumen in Vasen shows around seventy paintings of bouquets of flowers from 1880 to the present day. The exhibition does not follow any specific or classical art-historical questions or arrangements. It merely focuses on the motif of the bouquet of flowers, the medium of painting, and exhibiting as form of representation. This leads to an arrangement of the works that is principally undirected and yet nonetheless very clear. When viewing a bouquet of flowers, the realization that the object depicted is very clearly what it is merges with the act of viewing and questioning its depiction. Appearance and banality are enticingly close together.  The genre of the still life creates a kind of suspended state by means of which visual thinking can take place. It becomes possible to notice your own act of perception.

Several works by the artists Wolfgang Breuer, Ernst Yohji Jaeger, and Dario Wokurka have been created especially for this exhibition.
There will be several dialog tours during the exhibition period, taking different approaches to this exhibition and specific works.

Loaned works come from Kunsthaus Aarau, Caroline Bachmann, Hans Rudolf and Elisabeth Bosshard-Hinderer, Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur, Adolf Dietrich Stiftung Herrenschwanden, Sammlung Arthur und Hedi Hahnloser-Bühler/Villa Flora Winterthur, Kunstmuseum Luzern, Kunstmuseum Olten, Archivio Salvo Torino, Museum zu Allerheiligen Schaffhausen, Kurt und Ernst Schwitters Stiftung Hannover, Helga Sonanini, Kunstmuseum St.Gallen, Peter and Séverine Suter, Kunstmuseum Thurgau, Kunstmuseum Winterthur.


Accompanying the exhibition is an interview with Melanie Ohnemus by Dario Wokurka.



Saturday, February 19, 2022, 06.00 PM

Opening Blumen in Vasen / Romane Chabrol / Sammlung: Gustav Schneeli

Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 12.30 PM

Public guided tour and lunch with Anne Gruber

registration by February 22 at info@kunsthausglarus.ch

Thursday, March 3, 2022, 06.00 PM

Public guided tour with Melanie Ohnemus

Sunday, March 13, 2022, 04.00 PM

Dialog guided tour with Peter Suter

Peter Suter is artist, author, exhibition maker, and collector. He lives and works in Basel. The conversation between Peter Suter and Melanie Ohnemus will take place in the exhibition space.

Sunday, April 3, 2022, 04.00 PM

Dialog guided tour with Sasha Rossman

Sasha Rossman is a lecturer at the Institute for Art History, University of Bern. The conversation between Sasha Rossman and Melanie Ohnemus will take place in the exhibition space.

Thursday, April 28, 2022, 06.00 PM

Public guided tour with Melanie Ohnemus


Blumen in Vasen, installation view, Kunsthaus Glarus, 2022. Photo: Cedric Mussano
Odilon Redon, Blumen in schwarzer Vase, around 1903; Guido Fischer, untitled, around 1930. Blumen in Vasen, installation view, Kunsthaus Glarus, 2022. Photo: Cedric Mussano
Ernst Yohji Jaeger, Untitled (Flowers), 2021; Félix Vallotton, Œillets roses et livres, 1911. Blumen in Vasen, installation view, Kunsthaus Glarus, 2022. Photo: Cedric Mussano

René Auberjonois, Le vase chinois, around 1932; Dario Wokurka, Untitled (Freelance), 2022; Niklaus Stöcklin, Stillleben mit Blumenkorb, 1945. Blumen in Vasen, installation view, Kunsthaus Glarus, 2022. Photo: Cedric Mussano

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Blumen in Vasen, installation view, Kunsthaus Glarus, 2022. Photo: Cedric Mussano
Blumen in Vasen, installation view, Kunsthaus Glarus, 2022. Photo: Cedric Mussano
Blumen in Vasen, installation view, Kunsthaus Glarus, 2022. Photo: Cedric Mussano
Blumen in Vasen, installation view, Kunsthaus Glarus, 2022. Photo: Cedric Mussano
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Trudy Schlatter, Blumenstrauss in dunkler Vase, undated; Eugen Meister, Stillleben mit Blumensträusschen (Rose), around 1915; Niklaus Stoecklin, Stillleben mit Lilien in blauer Vase, 1926; Louis Eysen, Blumenstillleben, 1893. Blumen in Vasen, installation
Kurt Schwitters, Ohne Titel (Stillleben mit Blumenstrauß und Äpfeln), around 1934; Helen Dahm, Blumenstrauss, 1940; Odilon Redon, Mohn und andere Blumen im Krug, around 1905/10; Jean Morax, untitled, around 1910. Blumen in Vasen, installation view, Kunsth
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