8.12.2013 – 19.1.2014

Kunstschaffen Glarus und Linthgebiet I-Q 2013

Patrick Lo Guidice, Andrea Iten, Christina Jacober, KARIEL, Daniel Kistler, Armin Krättli, Nicole Krebs, Marianne Kubli, Martin Kubli, Elsbeth Kuchen, Pascale Küng / Katja Bruhin, Karri Kuoppala, Muriel Kuoppala, Peter Kuyper, Daniel Ledergeber, Jack Leuzinger, Ruth Malacarne, Bettina Mazzolini Mbenda, Andrea Meleleu-Dokoupilova, Joëlle Menzi, Corinne Merz, Siro Micheroli, Mohrgallati, Lotte Müggler, Müller-Emil, Andreas Müller, Andrea Maria Mutti, Paul Nievergelt, Giaccomo Nizzardo, Pat Noser, Maya Oswald, Ruth Oswald, Gian Franco Piatti, Emma Pinter, Elsa Quadri

During the exhibition Kunstschaffen Glarus und Lithgebiet, which is annually organized by the Glarner Kunstverein, all the artists from the region are invited to take part without a selection by a jury. In 2013 the artists in the alphabetical order I-Q are invited to present their work.


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