12.2. – 6.5.2012

Daniel Gustav Cramer & Haris Epaminonda The Infinite Library

On the basement floor the project The Infinite Library will be shown, that began in 2007 as an exchange between the two artists Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda and is still being continually extended. It consists of an archive of books, made by removing pages from antique books and reassembling them in collage before binding them again. In many cases these are illustrated books which are, in this way, bound with altered patterns of causality. A series of collages assembled anew with the imagery of a publication with gothic plates is displayed in the first room. In the corridor a video work gives a deeper insight into the project showing turning pages of the books. The entirety nevertheless remains unrevealed and incomplete so far. The title of the project is a reference to José Luis Borges’s fantastic description of a library organised in endless hexagonal rooms. It serves as a metaphor for the universe, where humanity is on an endless search for total knowledge. Preoccupation with found images and the medium of the book is a common interest and a recurring motif in the works of Cramer and Epaminonda. In the digital age, this interest in the apparently old medium of the book and the remix of existing imagery and knowledge is also a commentary on current techniques of publication and archiving and the handling of the indefinite multiplicity of images and knowledge.


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Daniel Gustav Cramer & Haris Epaminonda,
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Daniel Gustav Cramer & Haris Epaminonda,
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